The Silent Misadventures (6)

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A silhouetted figure appears in the doorway. Light seeps into the basement, and it's hard to look at it, with my eyes being used to the darkness.

"Who just spoke?" It was the deep voice of Jacque that spoke.

No response.

Jacque stepped two two more steps. The stair boards creaked.

"Who just spoke?" He repeated with harshness and a hiss to his words.

No response.

The floor boards creaked again. He stepped off the stairs and onto the cement floor.

The tension in the air was high. No one moved, and no one spoke.

"Alright, if no one spoke, I'll just give you all whippings."

If someone blamed another person for talking, they would only go under suspicion themselves, and they would get hurt too. That's why no one talked. Not because we like each other, not because we act like a family, but it's because you don't want to get hurt for something someone else did. But it ends up with us all getting hurt anyway.

Jacque takes a few steps further into the room.

He scrunched up his face.

"Smells like sh!t in here." He says coldly.

"That's what I've been saying this whole time." Sassy says.

Jacque's expression turns cold. He takes slow steps towards Sassy.

He crouches down to look Sassy in the eyes. Sassy turns his head away.

"Boy, you never learn, do you?" Jacque says through his gritted teeth. And with that, he slapped Sassy across the cheek. Sassy's head hit the pole, which made a loud crack. Blood trickles down from the side of Sassy's head.

"Go f*ck yourself." Sassy mutters under his breath as Jacque stands up. Jacque pauses and stares down at him, considering if Sassy said something. Luckily, for Sassy, Jacque didn't hear him.

He starts to slowly paced around the room. His steel-toed boots hit the floor, in a monotonous tone. I look down at my feet. My hair falls in front of my eyes.

The sounds of his boots stop. I can see them standing there, through my hair, facing me, right by my feet.

"Hey, you." Jacques gruff voice says. A chill shocks my spine.

I lift my head up.

Jacque has a buff, steroid, kind of body. He had barley any hair on his boxy head. Jacque is basically the opposite of Connor.

I stare him in the face, and then glance away.

"You know who spoke right?" He starts talking again before I can answer. "Point at the person who spoke."

If I tell him, then Curly will only be after me. Jacque already hates her as it is, and if I say it's her, he'll hurt her worse than usual. But if I don't say anything, I will get hurt.


Authors note~

So yeah. What will Flecky Floo say? Find out in the next update~ follow me, share, comment, check out my other stories, suggest things if ya want, and vote please~ Or don't. Have a fringetastic day~ <3


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