Chapter One

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Demi's Pov

I laughed as Hayley playfully shoved me towards the road. "That all you got?" I teased mockingly, knowing that she couldn't do anything since people were near us.

"Oh, you now it's not, I just don't want to cause a 'scene,' if you catch my drift." She elbowed me hard in the gut and ran slowly (for her at least) down the street. She didn't make it very far before I grabbed her elbow and spun her around.

"Well please, don't hold back on MY account," I replied as an immediate response to the empty sidewalk before us.

"You got it." There was a flash of blurred black and gray as she rushed forward with her super speed. I pulled out my emergency grappling hook and rushed over the buildings. I don't lose easily. This time would be no different. As I neared home I saw Hayley tap the door dramatically.

"Oh come on!" I half shouted. "You ALWAYS win." I then stomped my foot on the ground, not caring how ridiculous and childish I looked.

"I can't help it, running fast is like an instinct for me. It's in my blood." She looked down and I understood exactly why. After all these years nobody could find out who our parents were. She didn't know why it was in her blood or why it was an instinct. As her sister, I understood, as her friend I wanted to help.

"I bet I can hack into the school security cams faster than you." I challenged, hoping to take her mind off the mysterious black cloud around knowledge of our parents.

"In your dreams." We both ran into our room and grabbed our laptops, typing in code after code, this was MY natural instinct, my ability that I couldn't explain. Our adoptive father left when we were four. Leaving us with a mother who drank too much to notice Hayley speeding around the house or me hacking into every possible thing. I was in without any problems and Hayley was still typing away. I paused and stared at her, hoping she would realize I was already in. She looked over quickly as if to check my progress and as she turned back to her computer did a double take. "Oh man!" She yelled, "How do you do that?!?!"

"I don't know, I just do..." I sighed, "Which cam do you wanna check the footage on first?"

"Let's check cam fifteen, ya that one, the hallway," She told me as I clicked on the cam. "I was going to fifth-period science and I saw a couple people I didn't recognize." She paused for a breath. "I know pretty much everyone at our school." She closed her laptop and came over to me to watch as I studied the cam. "I figured maybe they were new, and since you study the school files you may recognize them."

"I don't see anyone I don't recognize," I said, beginning to glare at the screen and strain my eyes behind my shades, searching for anyone I didn't know.

"That's because you're checking the wrong time, dummy." She said, stealing my computer and skipping to the moment when she saw herself enter the hallway. She hit play on the footage and I immediately noticed two guys that I definitely did NOT recognize.

"Those the two you were talking about?" I questioned, pausing the footage and pointing to the two. She merely nodded and hit play. I noticed that the taller of the two elbowed the other and nodded towards Hayley as she walked by. "Oh, no," I said, pausing it once again.

"I didn't even realize that happened, I was too busy trying figure out who they were." I closed my laptop, deciding the footage couldn't be used anymore at the moment.

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out," I said, looking kindly at my sister. "I promise."

"We should start packing," She said suddenly, "We need to get out of here ASAP." I silently wondered if that was meant to be a distraction from everything else but went with it anyway.

"Ok, get started. I'm going to check on a few more things." I opened my laptop and thankfully it was still on the footage. I hit play and zoomed into the two boys' faces. They began to talk when Hayley turned into another hallway. I paused it then and turned to Hayley. "Have you seen my headphones?"

"Yeah, one sec." She answered, slowing down from previously dashing around packing everything necessary. She ran downstairs and I heard her rummage through some things. In an instant, she was upstairs and handed me my headphones. I quickly plugged them into my laptop and played the video. I heard faint voices saying something about geo-nomes and heard mine and Hayley's names. Then they looked up at the camera, seeming to suddenly notice it was there and walked away. 'Geo-nomes', I had heard that somewhere before.

"Hayley, does the term 'geo-nome' mean anything to you?" I waited for an answer but didn't even hear her packing anymore. Oh no. Where was she? I quickly ran downstairs, only to find her sitting on the couch eating. "Geez Wally," I said rolling my eyes over-dramatically, though my shades hid them. She could still tell I rolled them, though, "Anyway, does the term geo-nome mean anything to you?" I repeated.

"Well, yeah, Duh." She said giving me her signature 'I'm-not-that-stupid' look. "It's from that show we watched when we were five, remember?" She paused thoughtfully. "I'm pretty sure it was called 'Young Justice' " The light suddenly went on in my head.

"That's right. Those boys, are you completely SURE you didn't recognize them?" I had a slight theory of what may be going on.

"Well, come to think of it, they did remind me of Wally and Dick from the show, but that's literally crazy." She said shaking her head. "It's probably just the side of me that wants to meet superheroes."

"You do realize we technically are, right?" I said, "Remember three years ago when we saved those people in the bank? It's nothing huge, but it's something."

"Wait," she suddenly yelled, jumping up from her spot on the couch. "I just realized the extent to which we are like Wally and Dick." She looked like she was going into shock a bit. "I have super-speed, you can hack extremely well. We don't know why we are like that... you said something about geo-nomes, right?"

"Yeah, I was watching and listening to the security footage and when the two boys spoke all I could make out was 'geo-nome', 'Hayley', and 'Demi'. "

"What if we're geo-nomes? I mean, I look like Wally and a tad bit like Dick, you look like Dick and a tad bit like Wally." She said, but how would that workout?

"You do realize that there isn't even a Justice League in existence, let alone a Young Justice League," I said, stating the clearly very obvious problem with her theory.

"Try doing a little research on the 'Multiverse Theory'. "

"Are you suggesting that they live in another reality?"

"Yes, yes I am." She said, clearly hoping I agreed. Even though she's the older sibling she always seems to need my approval. "I'm also suggesting that they sent us to this universe to keep us away from CADMUS, which I'm assuming is involved with us if my theory is correct."

"I don't really know," I said hesitantly, "Let me sleep on it," I said, and with that, I walked up the stairs to go to sleep.

"I'll just be down here eating!" I heard Hayley yell from her spot on the couch.

What will I do with her, I thought. I walked over to the window to see what it looked like outside tonight and saw mom walking up to the house. Except she wasn't alone. She had someone with her, I estimated him to be about 34 years old and 6 foot 3 feet tall. "Hayley, mom has someone with her!" I shouted loud enough for her to hear, but not loud enough that mom, or her date, would hear.

"Nevermind, I'm going to eat upstairs!" Before I could even slip in an 'okay' she was standing next to me, looking at mom's date for the night. "Dang, what kind of man would come here with Amy?" She asked.

"The desperate for action type." She fell into a laughing fit at that.

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