Chapter Seven

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Pixie's Pov

I grunt in pain as Glitch got hit on my back and stomach, I collapsed forward and put my hand out in front of me to catch myself from falling. My right hand clutched my stomach and my left hold me up. I pushed myself up and dodged an attack and said to Glitch,

"Why are you trying to kill me?"

I felt myself falling forward, the front of my body slammed onto the cold concrete. Then I was forcefully flipped over, I felt something cool rest under my chin. A hand pushed on my lower chest, I open my eyes behind my mask to see Glitch with a blank face staring at me.

"You need to join me. You'll be well fitted with Harley, Joker, and I." Her flat voice responded.

"Why do I need to join you?"

"You can be mind controlled like they need someone else to do their dirty work, after all, they can't have me do ALL of it alone now can they?" She cocked her head to the side. I resulted to the only thing I could get help from. I let out an ear piercing scream, I've never screamed. She let me go and clutched her ears, I scrambled up.

"PIXIE!" I heard Comet yell. I turned around to see her try to flash over to me, but only for her to be stopped by a force field.

"Well, Jokers force fields working now." The flat voice commented.

I spun around to be pinned to a wall. A hand was hed to my throat it was stopping me from moving.

"Ready to join our team?" She held up a syringe.

"Glitch listen to me please, we can help you! If you're my sister I'll help you, I'll teach you what I know. Please come to the light. I'm sorry I didn't know you were there just please listen to me!" I saw the syringe being moved closer. I flipped my lid. I kicked her in the head, she let go of me and collapsed. I fell to the floor, before I knew it Comet was trying to drag me away from Glitch.

"Come on, we need to leave!" She forcefully pulled me up and started to move me away from Glitch.

"Wait, I can fix her! I can fix glitches." I said, struggling to remove myself from her grip. Only for my arm to be pulled back.

"No, Pixie we are leaving while we CAN. If she wakes up we'll be in deep water."

"But what if I can persuade her and see if she's being controlled."

We argued for about five minutes before I threw my hand in the air, Comet looked at me in fear. I new she thought I'd punch her, even though I wouldn't even think about it. I turn around and walk over to Glitch. I sat down next to her head and rested my hands on her temples. I start to hum a familiar tune Hayley and I knew by memories. We thought we knew it from our actual parents and that they would hum it to us. I continued, hearing the footsteps of three people walked up to me. They hummed along, my eyes were closed.

I opened them when we finished the tune, Glitch opened her eye's. They were a shocking blue, not a bloody red like before. I smiled as I helped her sit up,

"How do you feel Gli-"

"Thank you, sister." She cut me off and hugged me. I hugged back.

"There's three of you guys?" Beast boy commented. "Weird."

I look up to see the team gazing at Comet an I in amazement. Glitch took off her mask that was similar to Nightwing's but the eyes were cut out like Flashes, "My name Is Tara Techno Glitch- I don't know my last name." She shrugged and slipped the mask back on.

I finally got a good look at her uniform to see she wore a black suit with cubes, all different shades of dark green, she also had green goggles that were cracked, she had no cape. Her symbol was a 'G' glitched out in the middle of her chest.

"Why don't you come back with us. By the way, I'm Demi and this is Hayley. I guess we're triplets instead of twins." I cackle, everyone chimes in with their own unique way of laughter. The three of us stood up, we heard two groans of pain.

"WHAT THE?! Oh, no. They got us in cages baby." Harley's high pitched voice said.

"Yeah, and I'm how I should be. A good glitch." Our new sister Tara spoke up.

"How did you get out of the trance?!" Joker yelled.

"Oh, I simply kicked her in the head." I casually put in. Everyone yelled.

"WHAT!" Then we all laughed. Except for the bad guys, they were brooding.

"Hey girls, wanna race to the doors out of here?" Flash asked us, his famous Wally grin was clear, we took the challenge and raced over to the doors, we may be older than ten-year-olds but boy were we childish. Of course, there was a tie between Comet, Glitch, and Flash. I didn't even try, I walked beside Robin explaining the technology in our watches, the rest of the team listened in.

"Oh, here come Batman and the League!" Wally yelled to us.

The Justice League notified is that they would take care of Joker and Harley, and as everyone headed back to Mount Justice, I was stopped by Batman.

"Where are your parent's, and your other two friends?" He asked.

"I don't even know who our parents are, let alone where they are. None of us do. But we do have a theory." I finished and pulled out my grapple gun and shot it at a building, I flew forward and landed on the top before I started to jump buildings to our new home.


I adjusted the little screw while Comet broke into laughter along with the rest of the team watching the security cams of our old school. Someone had apparently done something really stupid and they were all cracking up.

"Hey Demi, want some help?" Came a voice from behind me.

I held my hand to my heart, "Geez, you trying ta kill me Greyson?"

"Oh, haha. Sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Anyways, no I don't as a matter-of-fact I just finished. TARA!"


"GET OVER HERE! YOUR WATCH IS FINISHED." I yelled, seconds later she was other the other side of me. "Give me your wrist."

"Okay," She acted like she ripped her wrist off and fake screamed and acted like she put it back on. She giggled at her own joke.

Dick and I cackled. I wrapped the watch around her wrist and fastened it to fit her perfectly, It was a black and light green cubed band, the clock back ground was a static screen. I pressed the button that would give her her uniform and it worked. It was a light green instead of dark and a white instead of black, I pressed it again to turn it back to her original suit.

"A day suit, and a night suit. That's what Hayley and I have. Now, how's about we all go watch the remaining footage?" I smiled at them. They nodded and said and 'okay' or 'yeah'. I hopped off the high bar stood and walked with them to the couch where everyone else was still laughing at one thing or another

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