Chapter Eight

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Tara's Pov

I woke up in a dark room, no sound was heard. I reached out into the darkness, hoping for something. I felt my finger brush past a soft object. I reached again and grabbed onto it. It was small and felt like my own fingers, but a bigger version. I whimpered,

"Hush baby, your mommy and daddy are here." A high-pitched female voice said.

The warmth on my back disappeared and was replaced with something sturdy, "This will only hurt for a moment."

I bolted awake and sat up, I felt my shoulder for the pain. There was none. I shuddered and decided to get up. I threw my green duvet off of my body and pressed my feet on the hard, cool, wood flooring. I stretched and looked at the time: 7:00. I sighed and walked out of the room Hayley, Demi, and I share.

I heard the door softly open and walked down one of the many paths to the kitchen. I heard the soft pitter patter of my feet on the floor, it was soothing. I turned into the kitchen to see Demi and Hayley sitting at the table for three people with tall bar stools.

"Hey, guys." I softly said, Demi looked over and gave me a wave and a smile. Hayley responded verbally,

"Hey, Tara. Did you sleep well?" She questioned politely.

"Yeah, really good. Except for the nightmare, that woke me up. It was just a memory from when I was at CADMUS." I responded, looking in the fridge for some strawberry yogurt. I found some and took the small container that fit in my hand, then gently closed the door and opened a drawer to find the spoons.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Oh, we're just writing and researching," Hayley spoke, Demi nodded to confirm it.

"Why aren't you talking Demi?" I quizzed

"In the morning she doesn't talk because her voice is very low." she finished, laughing a tad bit.

"Oh, what are you researching?" I climbed up on the chair next to Demi and sat down, leaning over to see Demi's screen.

She pointed to the search bar, Are there any records of superhero hybrids in CADMUS? I thought that was very specific but she was currently reading an article on their website. I started to read when she pointed to a certain paragraph.

We did fuse two superheroes together. Kid Flash and Nightwing. We created one that mostly took after Nightwing and on that mostly took after Kid Flash, the third one was half and half. Their names were Tara, Demetria, and Hayley.

Hayley: 3 months

Demetria:2 months

Tara:1 month

If you find any girls with these name bring them back to CADMUS to test if their powers work.

"So, this is about us...We are Wallace and Richards kids." Hayley stated, looking to the floor.

"Wow, that's amazing. But, we shouldn't tell them we know."

"Screw that," Hayley said, standing up. However, Demi also stood up and grabbed her arm with an iron grip. "Ok, ok, whatever. I'm just tired of secrets."


Dick's Pov

I stood still and listened to the conversation in the kitchen, "So, this is about us...We are Wallace and Richards kids." Hayley's voice spoke.

"Wow, that's amazing. But, we shouldn't tell them we know." Tara spoke.

"Screw that." Hayley paused, I could tell Demi did something to stop her because it's something I would do to Wally, and she takes after Wally mostly,"Ok, ok, whatever. I'm just tired of secrets."

I smiled and walked into the kitchen casually up to the girl's, their backs were facing me. I felt a breeze, next to me, Wally was. I gave him a 'They figured it out'. look. I could see the excitement in his eyes and he wore a bright smile. I walked closer and put my hand on Demi's shoulder, she turned to face me.

"H-Hi Dick. Hi, Wally." She said softly.

"Hey, girls." I smiled at them, my gaze behind my sunglasses was soft, "What were you talking about?" I asked knowingly.

"Oh, you know, just catching up," Hayley replied smartly. "We haven't seen each other our entire lives, and we're supposed to be sisters.

I visibly saw Demi sigh, she hated how easily I could lie, "Hayley. They aren't stupid. I sensed he was around while we were talking." She looked down like she was ashamed.

"Aww, don't be so shy it's okay!" I laughed as she hugged me. I rested my head on hers and hugged her back.

"Now, Tara. What were you guys talking about?" Wally asked as I released Demi.

I knew she wouldn't lie, "Well, we looked on CADMUS's web page for information on cloning. We saw our names." Demi pulled up the page on her laptop and showed it to Wally and I. Just as Tara had said, it had all their names and old information.

I smiled at the girls, they were all very smart, "Well, guess what, you're right. We are your parents and we love you all. We sent Demi and Hayley to that Earth to keep them out of trouble here and Tara, you were gone when we got there. Harley and Joker got you when we showed up. We've been looking for you too." They looked at us, tears clear in their eyes.

"So, wait, who do we call dad?" Hayley asked jokingly, causing everyone to laugh. You could always count on her to brighten the mood with a joke. Something she clearly inherited from Wally.

"Oh, I'm Dad and Dick is Papa. Just so that's clear." Wally joked in a goofy voice. I smiled. This is what we've both wanted for years. A family.

"Well. How about we all go do some family stuff today? Like go to the park, or go to an amusement park?

"Oh! How about a movie?" Hayley chimed in.

"Or fight crime?! After all, we are all superheroes!" Tara spoke.

"Ya, but we're off duty today," Hayley complained. "And tomorrow too, for that matter."

"We could do everything girls, well, besides the crime fighting thing!" Wally spoke up, I then realized that we had all moved and were sitting on the floor. The laptops and yogurt were discarded on the table while we all just talked and got to know each other a little better.

"Hey, girls how about you go and get dressed so we can start with a movie," Wally said.

The girls agreed and all stood up and walked back to their room, talking about cool movies that we could go see. As soon as they were out of sight Wally's romantic side kicked in and I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I turn around in his arms so I'm facing him.

"You know I love so much right?" I said.

"I know, and now we have a family to love too." He replied, planting kisses all over my neck.

"Yes, we do," I said and smiled. We leaned in for a kiss and met in the middle. We separated a moment later, "The family, our friends, and our jobs are all that matter now."

He hummed in repose before we shared another kiss, probably the fifth that morning. Just before we pulled apart the click of a camera was heard from the hallway. I heard Wally's unmistakable giggle. "Hayley!" I yelled. A giggle and the pitter patter of feet running away was my response.

"I couldn't help it, you guys are too cute." She yelled, continuing to run away. Dang her and her super speed.

"Well, I'm coming TO GET YOU!" Wally said letting me go. He ran off in the direction of the footsteps.

"Oh, shit-taki mushrooms!" She yelled, signaling that he had caught her. The eruption of two other voices signaled the girls were waiting for them. More screams were heard and several 'Shit-taki mushrooms'...

I looked into the other hallway only to be greeted by the team looking down the hallway Wally disappeared in confusingly, "Our kids." Was all I said to them before walking into that hall towards our room.

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