Chapter 5

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Hey yall!!!!! So, I was just checking my wattpad account, and I noticed that there were more comments on this story than the last time I checked... I feel really bad about not updating but I have been feeling no inspiration for this story what so ever... Never the less, I will force myself to write!

Yosh!!! The power of youth is flowing through me!!!!!!!

lol just had a Lee and Gai moment -__-"

Soooo yea!!!! enjoy!!!!!!!!!!


Watching Kankuro's face as he entered algebra was hilarious. Watching my other classmates' faces as Kankuro used his advanced mathematical skills to deduct every answer he was asked in his head without hesitation was ABSOLUTLY HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!

I'm going to have to get him to do my homework for me... Speaking of which, I still didn't finish it.



... Anyways

It was now lunch and Kankuro, my makeup-happy friend, had somewhat calmed his nerves. He was sitting next to me, calmly eating his lunch *coughcoughbiohazardcoughcough*, when a certain big-headed sorry excuse for a girl strutted up to our table and wrapped her grubby little chicken arms around the poor boy's neck.

"Hey there babe," Ruby cooed seductively, "Didn't know you came here."

"Didn't know you'd find me so quickly..." he mumbled, rolling his eyes as he removed her from his neck.

Ruby frowned, trying to pout in an adorable manner, but failing terribly. "But babe, didn't you miss me?"

"First of all," Kankuro sighed, clearly annoyed. "Don't call me 'babe'. Second of all, I just saw you yesterday. Third of all, even if I never saw you again, for the rest of my life, I still wouldn't miss you."

Oooooooooo, BURN! Hahahahahaha!!!!!! I wish I had a camera!!!! Her face was priceless!

In a desperate attempt to change the subject, she flipped her vomit-green dip-dyed hair and glared in my direction.

"So Ruby," I glared right back at her, "How are your clothes doing? I know that you were so upset when one of my lettuce leaves touched them."

"Well, now that you mention it, I, thankfully, was able to save them from the mess that your disgusting food caused; and I'm actually wearing the same skirt that I wore yesterday." She turned to Kankuro and batted her eyelashes.

"Do you like it, Kankuro?"


Pppppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!! hahahahaha

"You know Ruby," Kankuro leaned his head on his hand. "I think you should be less worried about what I think of your clothes, and more worried about the rumors going around that you dyed your hair with actual vomit... You didn't dye it with real vomit, did you...?"

Ouch! that was harsh!... Really, really funny, but harsh!

The green-haired girl flushed bright red, turned on her high heel, and walked away with her hands tightened into fists.

"Nice one!" I gave him a high five. A bright smile spread across his gorgeous features.


"That was AWESOME! She was speechless!" I laughed, almost choking on my (inedible) food.

His smile turned into a cocky grin as he playfully brushed some imaginary dust off of his shoulder.

"I have to admit," he boasted proudly, "That was pretty amazing."

We laughed together until it didn't really seem funny anymore. Then, a sudden thought occurred to me.

"Oh hey, Kankuro..." I said, "Do you mind doing my homework?"


Hey guys! I am soooo sorry about the wait for this, I have no motivation to write this story (besides you all) at all. Sorry it's still really short, I'll try to make the next one longer, but more serious stories are more my style, so it comes easier.

I want to tell ya'll that have read my story "We're in the Naruto world! Cool!... Maybe" I have started to finish up the second chapter!!!!! I know, I know... I haven't even touched it in, like... two years, but I really have too many ideas for that story, and I couldn't just give it up!!!! so that will be up... probably some time this week... maybe. idk.

Thank you ma loves!


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