Welcome To My World, Kankuro...

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Welcome to my world, Kankuro...

  God, today was boring. I hated Mondays. At least school was over.    I breathed in the fresh air. The park looked beautiful today, bright green grass, colorful flowers, clear blue sky. And it was completely empty. No one was around. The quiet was nice.   

A few minutes passed in silence. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw something completely black. I turned my head to see what it was, and was surprised to see someone dressed up as Kankuro, from Naruto. Every detail of the costume was perfect. The black body suit, the hat, with two pointed ends, like cat ears, and the steal plate with the symbol of the sand village, all of it perfect. He even had the purple make-up right.   

I couldn't believe that there was someone just as obsessed with Naruto as I was, and he was right there! I had to ask him where he got that costume, not to mention why he was wearing it in the first place, considering there was no one else there, so he couldn't be doing a skit by himself. I mean, if I had a Kankuro costume I probably wouldn't want to wear it everywhere... I mean, first of all, I was a girl, and not a guy. Second of all, I wouldn't want all of that attention you get when you have purple lines all over your face.  

I ran to the Kankuro look-alike, and stopped in front of him. Wow, I thought to myself, he looks just like him. He even had the same eyes as Kankuro, dark and mysterious.    The boy stared at me with a puzzled look, as if I were the one dressed up as an anime character.    "Um... Can I help you...?" He asked annoyingly. His eyes wandered from my head, to my feet, and back to my head again, as if studying me.   

"Hi!" I blushed, realizing I was staring at him. "Cool outfit. Where did you get it? eBay?"   

"E-what?" He gave me a puzzled look. I pointed to his costume, "your Naruto costume. Where did you get it?"   

He self consciously scanned his clothes, "Oh, God. Do my clothes really look like Naruto's?"  

"Um... No, but it does look like Kankuro's."   

He looked at me like I had three heads, which I did not appreciate. "How do you know my name?"   


He pulled something out of his kunai pouch and pressed it to my neck, a kunai, oh. The metal was cold, the boy stepped closer to me. His eyes sharpened, and whispered through clenched teeth, "I said, how do you know, my name?"   

"W-wow dude, ch-chill." I stuttered, was he a psychopath or something? But when I looked into his eyes, they looked lost, scared, out of place, desperate, even though he tried to hide it with the knife in his hand.   

I regained my composure, "Are you lost, or something?" He blinked a few times, hesitating to answer. "I... I was with my brother at home." He explained, and I nodded, urging him to continue. "I decided to go for a walk. The last thing I remember is taking a corner, and blacking out. I woke up over there." He pointed to the tree that I sat under only minutes ago. He took a deep breath and lowered his kuni.    "Hey, it's ok. It will be alright. My name's Maggie."   

"I guess you're right. I don't suppose you know where we are, do you?"   

"Um, yeah. OklahomaCity."   

"OklahomaCity..." He repeated, he huffed, "I'm guessing that's far from the sand village."   

This guy, is wacko, I thought to myself. "Um, yeah." I said awkwardly, not willing to tell him that the sand village didn't actually exist. "So... If you're Kankuro, then your brother is Gaara, right?" I asked, playing along. He was crazy, but it was kind of cute.   

He sadly nodded his head. "Temari is my sister's name. They're both crazy, but family."   

I suddenly realized something. "Um, Kankuro? Do you have a place to stay?" I asked, he shook his head. "Well, you could stay with me... If you want."  

He looked up from the ground, meeting my eyes. "Thank you, Maggie. I would really appreciate it."    I looked at the sun, almost touching the earth from afar, the sky had begun to change colors, to a light pink. "Well then, we better get going. It's getting late." Kankuro nodded as I pointed to the setting sun.   

We walked back to my place. When we reached my apartment, I gave him my brother Henry's room.    I know what you're thinking, what will Henry think? Well, he and my parents at away, and I got the whole place to myself. Pretty cool right?   

Anyway, he didn't have any other clothes, besides the costume he was wearing, so I laid out some clothes from Henry's closet, and let him get changed. I also insisted that he take off his make-up, as it would defiantly attract unwanted attention.   

I waited on the couch for him to come out, and heard the bedroom door open. When I turned to see him, my jaw dropped. He wore a white v-neck shirt with jeans and converses. His brown spiky hair fell in front of his eyes. With his make-up gone, I realized how gorgeous he was.   

"Wow..." I said, shocked that one person could look that good. I cleared my throat, "You look great... Um, you hungry?" He nodded, and I brought him into the kitchen. There wasn't a lot in the fridge, just some milk, a carton of eggs, and some left over noodles. Guess we're having noodles then.    I put it in the microwave, and got out some bowls. We ate in awkward silence for a few minutes, and I started on the dishes.   

"So... Maggie, do you life here by yourself?" Kankuro asked, I giggled. "Kind of... My family went on a trip. And left me to hold down the fort."    "Oh," he nodded. We sat in silence yet again.   


OMG, it's so stinkin' short.... >.<  I'm really bad at making long chapters, so yeah.  :)

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