Thunder and The God of Mischief

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I had moved to New York about two years ago right after graduating from high school, Mom and dad weren't very happy with me for leaving home so I wasn't speaking to them much. I missed them alot but dad was giving me the cold shoulder. I got to say things were not like in the movies. The people were rude and obnoxious and the traffic was horrible.Oh and not to mention that like about a year ago a crazy, psychotic demigod tried to take over the world and almost destroyed half of the city. Just what kind of crazy world do I lived in? I missed Texas so much. At times I would stay up and think of packing up my shit and jump on the first plane back to Georgetown, but something kept nagging at me to stay. Something told me I had to stay, there was something big awaiting for me here other than my dream to perform on Broadway. I looked at my phone and checked the time. 10:30 am, crap... time to get up for class. I groaned and rolled off of bed stretching lazily as I walked towards the bathroom. I stripped down and jumped in letting the warm water wake me up. I finished my shower and wrapped myself in a blue cotton towel and walked to my closet. I picked out a cute flowy black top with The Misfits skull and paired it with a denim jacket. I put on some faded skinny jeans and my black lace up boots. I went back to the bathroom and blowed dried my long brown hair and brushed it to create natural waves. When I was done I grabbed my backpack and my laptop case and ran out of my apartment. I went to a small community college where I studied theater arts and tooked an extra curricular class in 'world mithology'. Being alone in New York wasn't easy so can you imagine being alone and putting yourself through college at the same time? Im sure many people have done this but it sure wasn't easy. I worked a Part time job at a local Ihop as a waitress, it wasn't much but at least it was enough to pay my bills. As the taxi pulled up into the campus parking lot it began to rain. "Crap!" I said. I paid the driver and told him to keep the change as I jumped out and ran inside the building. "Wow! Someone got caught in the rain huh?" said one of my classmates as I opened my locker and pulled out my text books. I just smiled and rolled my eyes. "Hey Blake, we're going out for a few drinks after class, do you wanna come with us?" said Rosalind, another one of my classmates. "Um... shore...." I said. "Fantastic!" she said smiling. We walked to class and I sat on my usual spot by the window. Today was Friday so I was in World Mithology class, which was... kindda interesting I guess? The professor walked in and greeted us. "Good day class!" He said in his usual happy but professional voice. He was a tall and thin man who looked to be in his mid fortys, his hair was shoulder length and had strands of gray picking through his dark brown and his face was long and thin with a long and pointed nose. "Morning Professor X!" said my classmates. His name was Xavier, but we called him "Professor X." for short.... and because it was kinda cool to say that your professor's name was "X." if you knew what I mean. "Today we will begin our unit on Norse mythology and I will be assigning each of y'all a character to research and write a presentation, You will be working on this presentation on your own and its due in three weeks." he said. Half the class (which wasn't that much) groaned. "Now, I will pass around this jar and you will grabb a slip of paper, this is the character who you will be working on for the next three weeks. Oh and do not try and choose again, the character that you've picked is the one you'll do your research on." he said and handed the jar over to Rosalind. She grabbed a slip of paper and passed it to the next person and the next all the way until there was only one piece of paper and I pulled it out. "Shit!" I thought as I read the name of the character. Loki Laufeyson. Wasn't he the one who destroyed half the city? For the rest of the class, Professor X. talked about the presentation and he even gave us a head start and let us work on it for the last hour of class. Loki Laufeyson, Thor Oddinson's litte, bratty, adopted brother. This guy.... character..... was so.... ugh.... I couldn't even concentrate on the subject. I was so bored out of my mind and I didn't even noticed the clouds outside as they began to get darker. Suddenly there was a bright light and loud thunder and the power in the building went off. A few people screamed and Mr.X. tried to calm a girl who just went frantic and started to cry. "Its happening again!" she screamed. "Darling its nothing to worry about, its just a black out." said professor X. but his voice shook a little. After what happened a year ago every one in New York was on edge. Nothing was the same because the fear of it happening again was there. I got up from my seat and walked towards the window. "It looks like a lightning storm." I said looking up at the blackened sky. "Class is dismissed." said professor X.

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