Platform 9 and 3/4

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I stepped out of the taxi and my father looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry honey but I have to go to work, and you know I love you don't you? And I know you'll have an amazing time, but I must go now, I'll see you soon. Christmas my love"

"I love you" I replied and the tears began to roll down my cheeks.

With a sigh, I picked up my heavy bags and I walked towards the platforms. Luckily, I'd done my research and I knew exactly where to find platform 9 and 3/4.  When I reached the wall, I tried to shake the trembles from my hands and I ran at the wall.

BAM! straight through I went  and there in front of me was the largest, most sparkling train I'd ever seen. The red pierced my eyes and I blinked away the fear within. A high pitched whistle ripped through my ears. The doors swung open and I hopped on with my kitten Wallace in my hand and some books in my other hand.

I found an empty carriage and I sat down on the velvet red cushions and watched the countryside whisk by.

The carriage shook as we passed through some sort of force field, coincidently I'd just read about that, but it still took me by surprise.  And there it was, the castle in it's full splendour, my head buzzed with thoughts, as I took in the beauty of the castle. What if I don't get on there? What if I don't fit? What if the hat refused me...

And little did I know that, that, my worst nightmare would come true.

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