The Meeting

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I climbed the steps up to the office, as the gryphon swirled round me. The butterflies in my stomach were roused and I  felt ready to throw up.

"Come in" said a friendly seeming voice. As I entered I saw a man with a long grey beard tucked into his belt. "May I call you Aoife?" said the man. I could only muster a tentative nod in reply. "Now Aoife, my name is Professor Dumbledore, I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts," he said gently, "2 people have joined this school this year that are going to shape the future of our world. Mr Potter an I believe... YOU" A shocked look hit my face and exploded through my body. "Now I know this is confusing to you and that's why we are here, to help, may I introduce, Professor Weasley." A tall young man, came out of the shadows, he had fiery red hair, like mine and a fierce look in his eyes. "Professor Weasley is our newest teacher. He has the new role of Professor of Abnormalities. His speciality is helping those with abnormalities, he will guide you and help whichever path you may choose in your time here." "Charlie would you take over please"

"Sure thing, so Aoife, I'm Charlie and I'll explain it all. So the Sorting hat spoke to you didn't he? Well he doesn't speak to just anybody. He spoke to you and what did he tell you?"

"Undefined... He said I was undefined. What does it mean?"

"Well, in the nicest way, it means you don't fit the textbook houses. Every century or so we get one. We call you the Perpetual. Because you never run out, we think there's none left of you and another crops up. But you are the first we've had in 300 years. So you're pretty damn special. So basically you don't fit with an of the houses you're part of the house called Perpetual it means different and at odds. I will help you as much as I can but for now you must choose. There are three paths for the Perpetual.

1. You can choose to live as a Slytherin and pretend for the rest of your life

2. You can choose to find your path and try to prove your worth to a certain house

3. You can leave the wizarding world and live as a squib for the whole of our life

For the first time I managed to find my feet and my voice which I had yet to use, now I was ready to decide.

"Help me find my path, Professor please please teach me, and help me. I want this that much." I used my voice with confidence for the first time since I arrived.

"She has chosen her path." Spoke Dumbledore in a solemn voice. "From now on you may choose a lesson in which to miss, in order to have lessons with Professor Weasley now"

"Are there any times your busy?" I asked as I straightened up and stood tall. I now knew that I was special and I was important and no one could bring me down now.

"No, I don't teach anyone else, so whenever you like, just pop in and ill be there."

"Okay" and then I exited down the stairs and began to return to my FAKE house, and dorm room.

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