Diagon Alley

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We walked through the small pub called the Leaky Cauldron and the bar man Tom led us to the garden. Well I can hardly call it that, it was a brick wall and some broken plastic chairs. I felt fear strike my heart as I had an inkling that he might hurt us. Tom was a hunchbacked bald man, with less teeth that Gollum. To be honest, he could have been Gollum's older brother.

He rapped on some bricks, and told me i better learn the way he did it, as i'd need it soon enough. And then there was an explosion of life, music and colour. Before my eyes i saw shops and oddly clad men, women and children. With all sorts of arrays of books, shopping and animals. Tom pointed us in the direction of a wobbly building made of marble called Gringotts.

As we entered the large building, we tried to walk as quietly as possible down the marble floor, as to not disturb the short fellows working at the side of us. My father and I approached a tall pedstal and began to talk with the lead short fellow. He lent down, baring his teeth at me and breathing heavily upon me. "Name" He croaked

"A-Aoife umm O-O' C-C-Connor" I just about managed to say

"Status?" I stared blankly at him. "Oh okay then muggleborn i take it? Right here's your key and in your vault is the standard muggleborn starting fund 1000Galleons 500 Sickles and 78 knuts.  You'll have to add to that eventually he snarled looking at my father.


"Okay, last two shops" chirped my dad

"Oh, finally" I moaned "My feet are aching"

"Yep mine too, it's like shopping with your mother " he giggled

MADAME MALKINS read the large purple sign above me. Just as i placed my hand on the doorknob a large lady bustled me inside and gave me a large hug.

"New Starter?" she inquired "Okay then lets get you suited up" And i was picked up and plonked on a stand. As i looked to my right i spotted a girl with bushy hair and large white teeth, she was reading a book entitled:Hogwarts a History"

After i was all kitted up with my new uniform we entered the final shop. Ollivander's Wand Emporium. It was dark and empty when we forced open the door. "Maybe we should come back another day Dad it looks closed"

"No, tis not closed my dear, I am hear" chorused a spritly old man with white hair."Here take this, and give it a swish" he sang "Crash Bang Wallop, I shall pick you another one allup. Here's a new one, lets get this done. That one suits ye fine, now sir will you give this paper a sign.

And with that we were back home again, shopping and all. I spent the night packing up a huge trunk and I collected a kitten and got ready for my last night as a muggle.

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