2. Our Time

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Woohyun had already left. He didn't know what to do anymore. Of course he could call the younger, but he knew Woohyun wouldn't answer his calls. Not only his but he wouldn't answer anyone's call at such moments.

He knew Woohyun, he knew him so very well. And despite knowing the younger so well, he hurt him. But he was sick of the younger's childish ways. Their lives had become so busy lately, that they barely had time to rest. And with such stressful life, he didn't have time to pay attention to his lover. But if the younger needed some help, he should have asked him directly; at last they were no strangers.

There was a time when the younger approached him even when there was a small problem in his life. But with the passing time that had become rare and it had slowly come to an end. When did they become so distant?

Tears brim his eyes and he bites his lower lip to stiffle his overwhelming feelings.

However a tear still escapes his left eye and he wipes it immediately when he hears the members approaching the changing room. Sungjong, Myungsoo and Hoya were discussing about how responsive the crowd was while Dongwoo and Sungyeol were singing lines of 'nothing's over'.

He forces a smile to his face and turns to his members. Now is the time he has to behave like a leader, suppressing all his feelings and cheering the members for the upcoming concerts. "It was a great start. Our efforts did pay us."

The members look at him with a grin plastered on their face and then Dongwoo suddenly speaks "I just hope Woohyun gets well soon. He has to be stronger than this for the world tour."

"That boy has been stressing himself out too much lately" Hoya adds.

Myungsoo and Sungyeol nod in agreement but Sungjong throws a glance at Sunggyu and for a moment Sunggyu thinks that the younger knows something which he shouldn't be knowing.

"You both should resolve your problem, hyung" Myungsoo says looking at him.

Sunggyu sighs "I'm trying Myung, but you'll know how great a grudge-holder he is. But don't worry I'll make him understand so that his behaviour wouldn't affect our world tour."

Myungsoo shakes his head slightly "That's not what I meant hyung. He looks kind of - broken? And as his best friend you should be there by his side."

Before he could speak anything else their manager barge in and ask them to change immediately so that they could rest. They had practice sessions tomorrow afternoon.

In the car Sunggyu re-thinks Myungsoo's words. The vocalist was right, he is the one that Woohyun trusts the most and before anything else, they both are best-friends. Best-friends support each other inspite of the problems in their own life.

Maybe Sunggyu should have been more supportive towards the younger? Maybe he really was on the wrong side?

When he reaches his dorm, he tries calling the younger several times with a slight hope that the younger would pick up his call but it proves out to be fruitless.

So he changes and goes to bed with hundred of thoughts running through his mind.

Sunggyu groans in irriration when his sleep gets disturbed by several bangs on his front door. He had barey got any sleep. He reluctantly opens his eyes and takes a glance at the clock kept on the table beside his bed. 1:20 am! It better be something important !

Sunggyu walks half-sleepily through the living room, stumbling with his own steps and finally reaches the door. He opens the door while rubbing his crusty eyes with the back of his one hand. After seeing the person standing in front of him, all his sleepiness goes away.

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