5. What the Hell

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What the hell was happening?

But whatever that was happening, it was utterly unbelievable! Were they set on a secret quest to ruin his last resort of remaining sanity? 

Woohyun literally felt like pushing Jongie's face into all that whipped cream covered cake, when he saw him innocently teaching his hyung the proper way to make an outstanding ornating on the birthday cake they had prepared for one of the managers.

It wasn't like they hated it, but no one could pay enough attention to such trivialities; especially Sunggyu. And-

What. Did Sungjong just wiped off the cream from Sunggyu's lips? 

Enough. He already had enough riling up from Sunggyu to make him go crazy for months; and he was pretty sure that he was already one certified nut case, according to his psychiatrist.

Groaning his dismay, he fled away from the practice room, hoping that a little distance might put down all the rushing emotions that surged through him. He wasn't able to have the talk with the leader last week, because the kids found new entertaining ways of constantly keeping the leader busy with whatever excuse.

What were they, 5? 

Hoya was the worst. He thought that the rapper's commando attitude had been his forte? Fuck that! His out of the hat aegyo-freak-show definitely made his insides churn.

It was like he woke up one morning and nothing was the same, all members complete morons, driving him to slap his face every 10 minutes so as to assure him that everything happening around him was indeed real.

Excuse him for wanting to punch Jongie for sweetly wrapping his hands around his lover's waist- no one's allowed to touch his lover so intimately except he himself- or flicking Hoya in the head for even thinking that he had aegyo skills to show in front of Sunngyu. 

And that Sungyeol. He just wanted to turn the tall choding into his personal punchbag for being able to get so close to Sunggyu. No one knows how, but that owl somehow managed to get close to Sunggyu like nothing before. So much close, that even the fan noticed them and started pairing them.

Those stupid people. Don't they know that Gyu only belongs to Woo and no one else!

That little shit head Sungyeol. How much he'd like to see him working his ass off until he passes out from exhaustion. But, that would mean more special attention from Sunggyu. No, he couldn't afford that. Maybe he could go to Su-

Oh. Oh. Oh. Did he just think of approaching Sunggyu? It just striked him that his anger towards his lover had somehow subsided and probably even vanished. 

No way, bull! No, he wasn't gonna let it slide and turn weak in front of him. He was still hurt and mad, and waiting for an apology. He was right?

His mind and body concluded otherwise though. Instances like handing the leader a bottle of water without expecting a thanks in return or managing to see his needs before hand; all supported the conclusion.

HE really shouldn't have felt satisfied to be quick in recognising the distress in the elder's body and the means to ease it. At last he knew the leader inside out like no one else.

So he went back bitching about kids stealing his boyfriend. He slightly flinched at the term 'boyfriend' but he couldn't give a damn anymore.

With long strides he walks inside the practice room on hearing his name being called by Myungsoo.  

"Were you mustaburating out there" he snickers beside him, while Dongwoo starts yelling about their plans for the night to them.

"God, if fans could hear this trash mouth of yours" Woohyun rolls his eyes.

"Ehh, well, good thing that I have my face to save me for that day" the younger kept yaps "And can't you two stop just stop this already? It's so obvious that you're craving for his attention. But he can only do so much; splitting between us 7. He's only one man."

Yeah exactly. One man, his man!

He narrowed his eyes to the scenario displayed in front of him. Hoya brushing off Sunggyu's hair from his forehead 

Damn it, he had to do something and that too fast.

Woohyun felt like screaming and so he did accordinglg; startling everyone near him. Even Gyu raised his eyes, all worry etched on his worn face. Fuck, not that look, he couldn't stay mad at him long. 

"Hoya I want to talk to you. Alone" he says and walks out of the practice room.

After few long seconds, Hoya finally appears with a nonchalant look on his face.

"What do you want Hyun?"

Woohyun looks at him with an enraged face "Just stay away from him." 

Hoya tilts his head sideways "Stay away from whom?"

"Don't you dare to play dumb with me Howon! Maintain your distance from him!"

"And who are you to tell me that?"

"His boyfriend, damnit!" he spits out in anger and after a second when his mind registers what he just blurted out, his eyes widens in response "Shit, w-what I meant w-was...." he stutters.

Hoya gives him a knowing smirk.

"Whatever. But get this fact clear; I'm not going to leave hyung alone unlike you" Hoya states, all sort of mischievious gone from his voice. 

"Hoya" Woohyun warns in a low voice "That's between me and Sunggyu."

Hoya scoffs "The thing is; it doesn't matter now, because you've left him. And he has finally started finding his happiness again, so be it in me or someone else, its shouldn't matter."

Woohyun is rendered speechless. Hoya was right. He had no right to ruin Sunggyu's happiness. 

After few long seconds Hoya speaks again "You have always been a great influencer of Sunggyu's emotions. Why? Because he simply lets you to. So instead of breaking him more than he already is, fix him."

"You" Woohyun snaps at him "you, out of all can't tell me that. That night when I came to fix up whatever problem we had, you stopped me Lee Howon. So fucking don't act as a hero."

Hoya feels anger arising within him "I stopped you because I was doubtful that you'd again fuck him until he bleeds" he says in a scary calm voice.

"Yo- wait, what? G-Gyu ..?" he feels taken aback on hearing it. He did go in an animalistic pace with him but, he didn't know that he went this far. 

"Yea, so now fucking reflect on your actions Nam" he growls out.

With that Hoya leaves a completely shocked Woohyun on his own and walks away. 

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