3. I'm Fine

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Woohyun’s sleep gets disrupted by throbbing ache in his head but he does not want to get up. Not when he finally got what he really wanted since the past 2 month. The elder’s presence so close to him seemed like a dream which he never wanted to break.

His breath hitches when he lets his heavy eyelids open.

Sunggyu’s head was on his bare shoulder and his hand which was curled into a fist was on his bare chest. Their bodies were protected from the cold only by a white duvet that had shifted low along the nighttime and was now covering only their lower halves. Sunggyu’s leg was entangled with his and his hands were encircled around the elder’s shoulder protectively.

He glides his hand along the milky expanse of Sunggyu’s bare back and looks at his lover’s face longingly. How much he missed him for the past 2 months. Even though he was the one who said it that it was the end for them, he really had hoped that the leader would at least try to approach him. He hadn’t ever expected this cold war between them. It was much scarier than having a fight.

Maybe now because they were matured, their fighting style differed from the past. Earlier when they had fights they would send apology letters to each other and then fight a little more until they reconciled. But now, they would just ignore the other person’s existence which was the best possible way to hurt the other.

When did we grow up so much Gyu?

He holds Sunggyu warm body tightly and breathes in his lovely scent.

Yesterday night when he approached Sunggyu he was still in his sane mind. The alcohol had played up with his mind and emotions, so he could not control his actions. He remembers all the things that he confessed to Sunggyu. He never wanted to, but he did; blame it on the alcohol.

As much as he wanted to stay with the elder a little longer, he’d have to face the leader in the most vulnerable state. He didn’t want that to happen. He does not want to forgive the leader yet. Not when the leader hadn’t even asked him for forgiveness.

So he untangles himself from the inviting warm body and gets down from the bed, only after making Gyu sleep in a comfortable position. Bending down he places a wet kiss on Sunggyu’s cheek and lips and then picks up his clothes which were scattered around the bedroom.

He refrains from taking a shower, letting Sunggyu’s cum stay on him a little longer. After changing he throws a last glance at the peaceful figure lying on the bed, who had now managed to tangle him-self up with the bed sheet and walks out of Sunggyu’s room.


The sound of his alarm wakes him up from his peaceful sleep. His naked torso pressed up to the cold bed and his head resting on the plush pillow while his body tangled up in the crumpled bed sheets; he situates his alarm clock with the help of his right hand and shuts it off. He scrunches his eyes tightly before opening them a little. The younger was gone. Of course he’d be. And then Sunggyu just lies there thinking about the turnout of events from the last night.

Woohyun's words burned like hot coals in his head. Had he been that busy to ignore the little by little changes in the younger’s behavior? If so, he deserved the hell he was trespassing at the moment. Every fucking void in his body at the mere intake of breath, every hurdling attempt to display his cool facade in front of the media and most importantly the members; he deserved them all.

‘Last time I checked you were there for the group and not for me’

The younger’s words pricked him.

God knows how hard he worked his ass off to get noted for his skills even at the stake of being ridiculed in the process. And he couldn't allow Woohyun to accuse him like that. Yet, that's what the younger dared!

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