6. Step to a new start

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In the darkness of his empty bedroom Woohyun's silent tears escape his closed eyes, while his fingers play with the couple bracelet of his left hand.

Where did he go wrong? Was it his fault that he longed for his lover's presence? 

His fingers clutch tightly around the couple braclet and it almost breaks because of the strength by which he is gripping it. He turns his face to the pillows in order to muffle his cries. The realization that no one was beside him to make him stop, makes him cry even harder. So he cries; cries until his exhaustion makes him fall asleep.

He had been allowed so many things, be it under the presumption he was still fooling around as a younger member, or that Sunggyu simply liked to make him feel at ease and go beyond the courtesy to fulfill his wishes. As much as he had complained about the childish conduct, at the end of the day he still managed to fulfill every little whim of Woohyun.

"Hyung, I'm craving for a scoop of icecream."

"No. You'll get a hoarse voice tomorrow."

"But hyuuung, I've been dieting so diligently. Can't I hav-"

"That's still a negative and stop pouting."

"You're mean. I'm telling the CEO."

"Who do you think asked me to keep you off the callories' rollercoaster?"

"You two are just like peas in a pod."

"Mmm, I'm sorry you feel that way. I had a special Lava cake ordered for you, but I guess now I'll just have to cancel it.'

"Wah Hyung! You're the best!"

"Get those cheesy hands off me!"

He still feels the other's warm skin lingering on his own. And that fake annoyed look that Sunggyu gave him, as he fulfilled every single wish of Woohyun.

He knew his needs beforehand.

He used to.

"Gyu, I don't think I can make it, but also, I don't want to let you guys down.This dreadful cold is a nasty one, I tell."

"Have you taken the medicine?"


"Still dizzy?"

"More like drowsy."

"You look like hell. I'll talk to the managers to minimise your media time for the day and have th-"

"Hyung, don't. They already think I'm slacking off. I'll manage somehow."

"You only got this cold because they made you do that stupid CF filming with just a flimsy wear in this damn cold season. Why the hell couldn't they give a second thought about you!"

"Gyu, please don't be upset over this. We've been-"

"You're filming inside the van or not at all, that's final. Make sure you have Dongwoo near you and drink lots of fluids and also-"

He drops a peck on the leader's lips "Ok, stop worrying, I'll be fine."

Woohyun had always been pampered by the leader and when all of a sudden the leader didn't even bother to pay attention to his life style; it hurt him. He didn't need the pampering but he needed someone to ask him whether he was doing fine or not at the least.

"Hyung, can you ckeck on Myung? He closed himself in the bathroom again."

"Why do I always have to put up with your tantrums? Isn't he your best friend, Yeollie?"

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