A pretty nurse with brown hair tied up in a pony tail came in the room with a clipboard
"Hey Miss. Rodriguez how'd you sleep?"
"Well thank you. Where's August?"
"Mr. Alsina?"
I nodded
She gave me a warm smile "We told me to tell you he's stopping by Tim Hortans to get you breakfast." She said "I don't blame him the hospital food is nasty" she whispered
She put out her tongue and held her index finger above her tongue indicating she was acting out a gross face towards the food
I laughed a little
"I'm just going to check on Miss. Alsina here still sleeping" She said walking over to Marie's incubator smiling
She did a few measurements and wrote things down on her clipboard
Brittany and Trey walked in shortly after the nurse left with Marie
"Hey boo, How you feeling?" Brittany said running over to me with an ice cap
"Hey bae, I'm feeling a whole lot better how was your business trip?"
"Mr. Jean was being real touchy and Trey had to step in a lot of the times. He threatened me to lose my job. I got that on record too and this morning before we came here from off our flight me and Trey stopped by the administration head office showing them all the sexual recording from the trip. They kept all of them and their looking into. Word is Mr. Jean shouldn't be around tomorrow" Brittany said out of breathe laughing
"I'm so proud of you. We was trying to get rid of that nigga for so long" I said smiling at her
"Thanks to Trey" She turned around pecking his lips
Which soon turned out to be a heated make-out session
"If y'all wanted some privacy you could've just asked" I giggled getting up from my bed going into the washroom
After I came out from the washroom August had Hot Chocolate in a Tim Hortans cup in one hand and a plain bagel with light butter on it in his other hand
"Good mornin' ma" August said handing me the food and drink
"Thank you baby" I said taking the food pecking his lips
I looked around noticing the nurse returned with Marie
Brittany had Marie in her arms while Trey went down to her level foaming over
I smiled looking at them
"I let them have their time wit ha now cause when she get home she's all mine" August said smirking
"Aw your so cute" I said cupping his face in my hands kissing his soft lips
The same nurse walked in smiling
"We ran some test on Marie and she is a normal baby and she met up to our standards you are free to take her home now."
"Is there anything I should know with her? Me being a new mom and everything?"
She thought for minute before speaking "Being a new mother I will advise you to always try keeping her in something roomy and comfortable because some babies have allergic reactions triggered to something they wore"
I nodded in agreement
"Make sure Marie is always in a comfortable car seat due to safety of course. Always keep burp rags around her neck. Have bottles and formulas ready for her it's makes your job whole lot easier." She said smiling
"Keep swaddling blankets around her. Don't nag at her umbilical cord it will fall off on its own when it's ready. Keep baby mitts on her hand so she doesn't scratch her face when she's sleeping. To reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, experts recommend that you place your baby on her back when you put her down to sleep during her first year. The risk of SIDS peaks between 1 and 4 months of age but remains a threat until babies are 12 months. and Always have a charged phone or camera and a big scrap book ready to capture her 'firsts' moments" She said smiling
"Good luck mommy" The nurse said leaving the room
I laughed taking everything in
"Good luck mommy" Brittany mocked the nurse
We all laughed in unison
August dressed Marie in the clothes we packed her
The nurse returned minutes later with a paper and a pills bottle
"Here's pills to relief stress. You might be ached and sore in a lot of places that's completely normal your delicate just make daddy watch the baby while you take shorts naps as much as possible" She said handing me the meds and paper
"Thank you" I said getting up with my bag going into the washroom to change me clothes
"If you have anymore questions feel free to ask me i'm always here to guide you and I understand you being a new mommy and things" She called out to me handing August her card before walking out
I got changed in my clothes I packed
I wrapped plastic saran wrap around my stomach reducing the bloat
I pulled out my phone taking a picture
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AaleeyahMarie: No more bloating for me👋🏽 Happy to take my baby girl 🏡❤️
I posted the picture on instagram with a caption before putting my phone back in my pocket
I came out the bathroom
"Ready ma?" August asked with Marie in one hand and our bags in the other
I took the bags from August and picked up Marie's car seat Trey dropped off