"A fanfiction is..."

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So this is what its like when he teleports.
Your vision blurs, you get really cold, and you don't know what to expect except for him of course, but it only lasts for about a second. I don't know if he feels this though, he's dead and all....
When we teleported, we where too dumbfounded at what just happened to realize, he wasn't there with us.

We where in a cage, and Leslie and Ruvik where gone.
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"we've been kidnapped by Ruvik, Jenna."
Monika shaked my shoulder.
"Yes, and I would like to point out that this was YOUR fanfiction plot, and it is NOT as flawless as it seems." I said, cracking my neck and sitting down.
"Its starting to get to me that I have no sense of what a "fanfiction" is." A low voice crowd from the darkness outside the bars.
"GOD?" Monika looked up freaked out, twisting her head to look in all directions of the ceiling.
"Yep Monika, its totally god that said that outside the bars."
She snapped her head to look at the darkness.
Ruvik was walking toward us. I saw Monika smirk as he did, she was happy to see him. It was a change from her life at home, she had a pretty good life actually, the only thing wrong was we spent a lot of time fangirling. 'Whats the point of obsessing over something that doesn't exist' they ask. If you like something, even if its imaginary, you shouldn't be discouraged by it. I mean, look at what happened to me and Monika.

"A fanfiction is a senecio of magic in which the reader feels all tingly and the hormones basically turn to fireworks."
He froze in silence.
Monika froze in silence.
I half smiled.
Monika puffed. "Fanfiction is a piece of fiction within a fandom utilizing characters and situations from a pre-existing work including, but not limited to, books, television programs, films, and comic strips." Monika said, straightening up an imaginary tie, like she just answered a test question perfectly.
Ruvik nodded.
"And these-"
"Hold up though," I interrupted. "beforehand, can you let us out of this cage? I mean think about it we're trying to explain something to you that you don't know and AS A GENIUS you need to know everything, and were in a cage bruh."
He sighed, and flung open the doors with his M I N D P O W E R S.
"Are.. you going to get out or..."
He referred looking at us as we sat down crisscross applesauce. I mean he was blocking the doorway after he blew it open so come on.
"Nope," I joked. "come in here with us and sit."
To my surprise, yeah he actually did. But he didn't sit, just walked in and went against the bars with his arms folded. Which was fine cause it looked pretty cool.
"So, how did you girls get here and who are you." He demanded.
"Cause I certainly would recognize the entrance of an ordinary patient into this world. You two.. are different, but how?"

"Well you see, there was this really weird kid in the lab we work in and"
And so I went on to tell him how we got here, leaving the part out of all this, being the life he and they live, is a made-up reality horror game made from the father of horror games.
Can you imagine someone telling you your whole life is a lie? Just an entertainment piece for people realer than you.

"That's interesting, really... so.. time-travelers you are?"  He raised his head a bit.

Yeah, that was the only way I could protect him from knowing the truth.
"Yeah." I retorted
"I don't believe you."
"Oh cOME ON. Did you not SEE OUR ENTRANCE? The fact we know more terms than you? WE FRICKEN KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU." Monika sketched.
"Know.... everything about me...?" He studied us.
"WAIT." He said, bobbing his head up to meet our eyes.

And thats where our plan went to shit.

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