6. Emergency vet help.

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For a couple of minutes I just stood still, my mind raced trying to process what has just happened. Holy fucking casserole, there was a huge ass wolf lying at my feet, all covered in blood. A wolf so huge, that if I laid on top of it, it could fit two more people. A wolf so huge, it could eat me and still be left hungry. And this very wolf was pleading for help with it's INTELLIGENT bright green eyes! Damn, I've seen clever animals, but non had this type of intellect in their eyes, really. It was like looking into a soul of a real person but trapped in a wolfs body.

Then it suddenly hit me - the wolf was covered in blood, so it must be wounded. My vet instincts kicked in and I threw my cane to the side and dropped to my knees (as much as I could considering my capabilities) and started examining the wolf. It had a couple of broken ribs, a couple of holes along it's torso, that looked like bite marks, I figured it got in a fight with a bear or something. It's ear was torn in two, one of it's hind legs was broken, but was was the worst of it - it had a huge stick in it's side and I realized, that if I were to remove it, the wolf would die of blood loss. There was no way I could help the poor animal here and now, we needed to go to the clinic this instant.

"Jonathan!", I screamed on the top of my lungs. "Jonathan!", and again.

It was less then a minute when Jonathan flew out of the house with a panicked expression on his face.

"Emily! What's wrong?", he screamed, rapidly approaching me. "Are you hurt? Is it the baby?", he screamed still running towards me. His eyes locked on my body scanning for injuries.

"Jonathan, I'm fine, but we need to go to the clinic now!", and that's when his eyes darted to the wolf. His pupils dilated, his breath hitched and he fell to his knees with hurt all across his face.

"Oh, god, Lena...", he started touching wolfs body, just like me a couple of minutes before, examining it's wounds. When his hands reached the stick poking out of the wolfs side, I decided to intervene.

"Careful, if you take it out, the wolf will bleed out.", I gently placed my hand on top of his, trying to stop him and calm him down at the same time. I don't know why, but he seemed genuinely concerned about this particular wolf, and did he call it by a name?... What the hell was going on?...

"Yes... Sure... Sorry...". He looked at me with such concern in his eyes, that my heart clenched a bit. "What do we do? Can you help her?", he asked with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, I can." I said sternly. Inside I was less calm, but I had my poker face on. "We need to put her in a car and drive to the clinic right now, can we try doing that?", I continued in a soft voice.

"Yes, ok, let's do it", he then suddenly picked the wolf up, as if i weighted almost nothing. Man, was he strong. I never knew Jonathan was this strong.

"Shirley!", he called out to his wife, while rushing to the car. "Shirley, it's Lena! We're going to the clinic!"

Shirley ran out of the house and the moment she saw Jonathan carrying the wold, the look of strong concert crossed her features. I was slowly limping behind him, trying as hard as I could to keep up.

"Oh my god! What happened?!", she screamed on top of her lungs.

"She just appeared out of nowhere and fell at my feet. She has several minor injuries, but we really need to take this stick out, and we can't do it here, so we need to go to the clinic now", I explained, as Jonathan continued to walk towards his truck. He then gently placed the wolf into the trunk, Shirley climbed right next to the wolf and started to caress it's fur. Jonathan then helped me to get into the passengers seat, well, more lifted me up and placed me in there to save some time and we drove to the clinic, breaking some major speed limitations. I held on to the door, slightly fearing for my life.

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