Chapter Sixteen

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He wasn't. It was expected but it was still a shock to him. It was unbelievable that after so many years, the time had come to face the one person he hated the most in the world.

The first person he was going to kill by his own hand. They had gone through a lot but he was the one who had been there through every single moment. Every dark, chilling and horrifying moment.

Most people who read about his past never read the real story, it had taken a lot of money to bury that past. He didn't want the pity and he certainly didn't want a reminder.

He looked up and saw the pain that flashed in Fallon's eyes before he hid it behind a mask. They had been unlucky in life but it was time to make the person who had ruined their childhood pay. It also helped that they weren't the only ones fighting.

"Does Van der Molen know?" Trystan asked, referring to their Dutch acquaintance. Keith nodded.

"As soon as he entered the country."

"Good. That means that everyone knows. He'll be lucky if someone else kills him first."

"I'd like to have some time with him when the time comes." Fallon spoke for the first time since entering the study. They both turned to look at him. They were surprised. They thought Fallon wouldn't even want to come into contact with him.

"Fallon--," Keith started.

"I know what you're about to say but I just want time with him." Fallon interrupted.

"We'll talk to the others about it." But they all knew Fallon would do whatever he wanted even if the others didn't agree. "As long as I get to be the one to kill him." Trystan said, moving to his desk from his position at the door.

"It's very ironic." Keith said, smirking. "You want to kill the one who brought you into existence." His words made Trystan give him a cold stare.

"He stopped being my father the day he made me watch as he slaughtered my mother." That made the whole room silent, making noise from wind outside seem louder.

After a few minutes, Keith smiled and turned to Fallon.

"So, you and Candace, huh?" A pencil hit him in the head, he ignored it.

"It's none of your business." Fallon stated, turning his attention to his laptop.

"Actually, since you decided meddling in my relationship with Kaia was allowed, you left the door wide open to our meddling in yours."

"Well, I'm closing that door. My relationship is off limits to both of you."

"So you're admitting there is a relationship?" Keith asked, raising his eyebrows in fake shock. A notepad was the next thing that hit his head, making him curse. Trystan gave Fallon a look that said 'this isn't over'.

"Yes, it is. There are more important things to focus on than my relat--" Fallon stopped short causing Keith to double up in laughter.

"It seems completely ironic that the both of you have found yourselves in relationships when none of were interested in finding one. I can't wait to see how this unfolds. This is better than any reality TV show I've ever seen."

"I hope this storm's is over soon else I'll be needing some help burying a body."

Shock! That was exactly what Kaia felt when she saw her aunt coming out of a room that didn't belong to her. It didn't help that she looked like a mess. Her aunt looked like she had been making out and from the room her aunt had just left, she had been making out with Fallon, the cool and composed friend.

She just couldn't wrap her head around it. Her aunt and Trystan's friend. How and when did that happen? It was so unreal and definitely unexpected.

There was only one thing to do and Kaia was loving it already.
"Well, isn't this interesting?" Kaia all but shouted, making her aunt jump in fright. It almost made Kaia laugh.

Her aunt turned to face her, burning with embarrassment.

"What is interesting?" Her aunt asked, feigning confusion.

"Really, Aunt Candance, your lips look like you've just spent the last few minutes being kissed senseless, your eyes are still looking a little glazed over and your hair looks like a rat was building his nest in it. You might wanna stop faking." Her aunt sighed and looked away, trying to fix her hair. "What I can't believe is that you were actually sneaking out of his room? Ginelle won't believe me when I tell her this." Her aunt's head snapped in her direction.

"You are not telling her anything. This is my business and I'd prefer it if no one else knows about it. It's bad enough that anyone else knows about it."

"Yeah, yeah. I just never expected in a million years that I'd have something I would be able to blackmail you with." Kaia rubbed her palms together. "Just think of all the food I can get from this."

"Hold up right there. In case you have forgotten, I still have some embarrassing photos from your not so long ago teenage years. I don't believe you would like the whole world seeing them." Her aunt threatened before walking off with a spring in her step. Kaia, however, stood in place. This was a whole new Candace Reed she had never seen before. And it was kinda scary.

Before I go, can I just say I love Keith.

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