Trystan and Kaia

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Kaia was pulling on her dress when she felt arms stop her progress. A kiss on her neck turned her into a puddle and the feel of his arms wrapped around her made her excited. There were many days when she was happy about being his but none of them compared to how excited she was today. Their relationship had grown and she fell even deeper in love with him everyday.

"You're going to make us late for dinner." She whispered, unable to keep her voice stable.

"I'm sure your aunt won't mind. I'll probably get Fallon to distract her." She pushed at him when she heard the laughter in his words.

"They're not together." She rolled her eyes at him as she pulled the dress on completely.  Her aunt had objected strongly about dating Fallon but that didn't mean it wouldn't happen. Her experience had taught her that things happened when you least expected it and when it did, it was like your whole world was finally coming together. 

She looked up at him and saw his disappointment at her being dressed. She decided to make it up to him by giving  a deep kiss, thinking about how good he tasted.

She couldn't believe how happy she was. She had wanted everything to go slowly but no matter how slow they went, her feelings grew even stronger. It was a learning process. There were things she couldn't stand about him and things that she had learnt about him that made her surprised. There were even things that made her sigh in lust. She had it bad for this man,

He run his hands down her bare shoulders and kissed her forehead. 

"You always look perfect but you look even more so without clothes on." He murmured before letting go of her. She watched him walk into the closet with his pants riding low on his waist. She bit her lower lip, thinking of how late they could be to dinner; that thought made her laugh.

This was her life with Trystan. He made her excited for things she had never been excited for and he could reduce her to a pile of flesh by just kissing her shoulder.  He knew the power he had over her but she had some power too and she used it recklessly on him.

Turning back to the full length body mirror, she turned around trying to see if the dress looked good on her. She was putting on earrings when he walked back out dressed in a dress shirt with the top two button popped open.

He helped her zip up her dress without her asking, then he placed something around her neck that made her gasp. Her first thought was to protest because he had bought her so many expensive gifts but she remembered how much he hated her doing so.

"It's beautiful. Thank you." She flushed in pleasure at the appreciative gaze he gave her.

"Nothing I can give you can compare to how much you've given me, my love. My life has changed so much and I've been saved so many times by your love." He held her tightly. "Now come one before your aunt kills me for making us late." 

She giggled at his words and kissed him one more time before letting go.

The dinner was amazing. Her aunt had outdid herself and it was a little surprising because her aunt's dinners were usually on a smaller scale. Maybe her aunt wanted to tell her some news. She knew Fallon and her aunt had something going on but her aunt had told her it was something casual. Were they making it official? She turned to look at Trystan but he was fidgeting and that made her more curious. She wanted to get to the bottom of this but she wasn't sure how to. 

She was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't realize her aunt had stood up was motioning to someone behind her.

She was pulled back to earth when Trystan stood and held her hand. She looked at him, confused.

"You, Kaia Kinley, are the light of my life and the only person that filled my life with so much joy that I can't even begin to describe." He spoke with a shake in his voice. Kaia looked at him, baffled. He always told her how amazing and how important she was to him but he was never this nervous when he said them.

The thought hit her immediately and her eyes grew wider when he went on one knee.

"I love you so much that I can't imagine my life without. You are my rock, my star, my angel and the best person that I could have asked for to love. I want you everyday of my life and I want to wake up with you as my wife. Will you marry me, Kaia Kinley?" He asked with a shaky smile that looked so cute to her.

Her words failed her as tears began to fall from her eyes but she nodded. His smile grew wider and more sure as he placed the beautiful ring on her finger. She slid of the chair and crouched next to him, kissing him deeply as they cried together.

Vaguely behind her, she heard her aunt sniffling and shouting congratulations and her family and Trystan's family behind her. This was her life now. She was going to be his wife and she couldn't imagine a better day than this but there were more of them coming.

I toyed with this chapter for a while and I wrote it right after the last so it's been a while. I didn't post it because I wasn't sure if I wanted this to be the final chapter of their story. Oh well here it is.

Good news, I have started on some stories but I've been having a difficulty writing so probably won't be posted for a while. However keep your eyes posted here just in case. Love you all . . . .

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