1: Meeting The Prince

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"Eridan! Come 'ere my boy!"

I heard my father call me. The thick accent of an Irish-like voice always rings in my ears for a few seconds. I sigh and close the book I was reading of romance, and quickly head out of the library. His voice came from the throne room, so I can only assume that we have guests here.

Was he ever planning on telling me this sooner? Eh, probably not.

Before entering the room, I looked at myself in a mirror on the wall, making sure I looked presentable. After checking, I entered and saw my father talking to two adults. Their attire of fuchsia and yellow must mean they're from the kingdom in the East.

My father rarely has anything to do with business and trade in the East.

What are they doing in the North?

My father, King Dualscar, noticed me walking up to his side. "Eridan, I'd like you to meet the royal family of the East Kingdom. T'is is King Psionic and Queen Condesce." He introduced me to the adults standing in front of him.

I bowed to the both of them, "It's a pleasure to meet you, your Highness's."

"My, what a charming young man you have raised Orpheus. I remember when he was just a child.." Condesce spoke with a soft smile on her face.
"Indeed, I remember when he was about two years old. He was dressing up and playing with a wooden sword."

Psionic let out a small chuckle.

Wait, they've been here before?! For what purpose!?

I heard a giggling from behind the Queen. I saw a girl who looked fairly similar to her, with long hair. She smiled at me and waved. I flushed brightly and gave a small wave to her.

God, she's gorgeous... Damn, I wish he hadn't said that about me playing as a child.

"Oh! These are our children, Eridan. Same age as you." Condesce said, introducing me to the girl and the boy who stood closely beside her. "This is Princess Feferi Peixes and Prince Solluxander Captor... Or, Sollux for short.."

Sollux had a straight face, hands behind his back. He looks harmless, but there's something just by looking at him that I don't like.. I just can't put my finger on it.

He bowed and Feferi curtsied, "Nice to meet you!" She said cheerfully.

"Eridan, if you could, please show these two around the place. They'll be stayin' 'ere until your eighteenth birthday."

What? Is he serious? Ugh, sometimes I hate being born into the royal. Having to keep up a perfect status to others is hard, but I must.

I nodded and looked to the two. "WWould you like to look around?" I slightly cringed at my stutter. I hate it. Stupid stutter! Hopefully, she didn't notice.

They both nodded, but Feferi seemed more eager and happy about it. She really is a cheerful one, isn't she? I like her a lot. I have no clue what the others problem is. The three of us left the throne room to let our parents talk. An awkward silence filled the air as we walked down the hall. How should I break the silence between us?

"Um..Eridan?" Feferi asked, twiddling her thumbs as she stared down at the floor. A light shade of red appeared on her cheeks and some hair fell in front of her face.

"Yes? WWhat is it?" Damn stutter!

"Uh, I couldn't help but notice that outside there was a fountain pond with fish in it. I um, would it trouble you if we went to go look?" She asked shyly, peeking up at me.

God, I want to hug her right now for her adorableness.

I let out a small chuckle and grinned. "It wwould be no trouble at all!"

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