10: Hide and Seek

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Eridan's POV:

I followed the group of my man, galloping on their horses to the Southern Kingdom. I couldn't focus much on the people around me. All I could see was a blur of the world around me.
My mind was stuck on Sollux. Not only Sollux, but the fears of what they could be doing to him filled my head.

What if he was being tortured?
Or worse...

"Eridan?!" Karkat was riding beside me, "What are you doing out here?! You should be home! Turn back now! It's too dangerous for you to come out here with us!"

"No way," I growled and gripped the reins tighter, "I'll only be restless, paranoid and worried. I have to go to him!"

Karkat sighed, "Then you'll need this." He reached to his belt and unbuckled the extra sword and sheathe, reaching over to hand it to me as we rode. I grabbed it and held it tightly.

The moon was at it's peak as we reached the kingdom gates. Two of the men on a horse grabbed a bow and arrow, aiming it at the two guards at the sides of the gates.
Our horses rode in through the village, running all the way to the castle. Halfway through town, the guards of the kingdom began chasing after us.

"Eridan!" Karkat shouted, "This way!" He turned away from the group to an alley. I followed him.
We rode down and we eventually reached the cobblestone path to the castle. I looked up and saw the queen watching over everything from a balcony. She saw us and made a surprised face. She retreated inside.

Karkat and I got off our horses, running into the castle. It was silent. I was surprised that there were no guards inside.

"We should split up," Karkat whispered, his hand at his waist, ready to pull his sword out.

"What do you two think you're doing?" Dave said, walking up from behind us. He looked to me, "You should've stayed home. It's too dangerous."
"I don't care. I'm staying and saving him."
"Stop trying to be a hero, Eridan." He sighed and walked up to Karkat, "Take him back home. That's an order from your commander."
"But Dave-"
"No buts, Karkat. Take him home."

While they were talking, I snuck off down a hallway. There was a dreadful gloom that hung around me as I walked around, searching for Sollux. I was startled by the sound of swords clashing. I peeked back into the room I left Karkat and Dave in.
The whole Guard was there along with the Serket Guards, fighting each other. I seized the moment to run down the hall, searching through random doors for Sollux.

"Sol!" I whispered, opening and shutting doors, "Sol, where are you?"

Sollux's POV:

"Do you think they came for you?" Vriska asked as we heard the sound of fighting over our heads.
I nodded, "Yeah..."

I heard a voice calling my name, but it was faint. It almost sounded like-
"Isn't that Eridan's voice?" Vriska raised her head, listening out, "I think he's looking for you!"

"Eridan!!" I called out, rattling my chains, "Down here!"

I heard footsteps running and then a thump. We waited patiently and then footsteps came down the stairs to the dungeon.


The look of relief on his face made me smile.
"Thank god you aren't hurt!" Eridan ran inside and pulled a key out from his pocket and opened the cell.

"Please unlock me first, these cuffs are extremely painful to me," Vriska said.
Eridan listened and unlocked her. As soon as Vriska was out, she snatched the key from Eridan.

"What the hell?!"

"Where'd you get this key?" Vriska glared at him.
"I found it."
"Why does it matter?!"

"Vriska!" I yelled, "Why should it matter! Just unlock me already!"

"This is a skeleton key! Only my mother has this!"

I froze and turned back to Eridan, who started laughing. Vriska punched him across the face and he fell. Vriska quickly put a chain around his ankle and began to take the chains off of me. I watched as Eridan slowly turned into the Queen.

"What the-"
"She probably came down to take us somewhere to be killed."
"But we heard Eridan!"
"She probably found him first before he could find us." Vriska helped me stand, "Let's go."

We walked out of the cell and Vriska locked her mother in. We ran up the stairs and I saw Eridan's scarf on the floor. I picked it up and held it close to my chest.
"He was here... I-I have to find him!"
"You go on," Vriska looked to a statue of a guards armor and pulled a sword from it's side, "I'll go help the others while you find him." She gave me the skeleton key and ran off.

"Thank you..." I ran down the hall, searching for Eridan.

I opened door after door. I was met with disappointment. I couldn't seem to find him anywhere.
Then I heard a door's knob shake.
I opened the door and walked inside. There was nothing. The door shut behind me and I turned. The Queen was standing there with a plank of wood, hitting me.
I fell to the ground, my vision blurred. She walked over me and smirked.

"That person in the cell isn't me~" She chuckled and my vision fell black.

When I woke up, I was back in the cell. Across from me, was Eridan.
"What the..."
"Sol..?" Eridan looked at me, his face bruising from the punch Vriska gave him.
"But, how-"
"The Queen found me and manipulated my mind to go free you and Vriska. She gave me her key to trick Vriska into thinking that I was her mother pulling an illusion. Her mother made me look like her after I was knocked out to convince the two of you. After you left, I turned back to me..." He laughed sadly, "She's a sneaky bitch..."

"Son of a bitch..." I mumbled and leaned back against the wall. I felt my body for the key, but it was gone. She must have taken it after I fell unconscious.

"I'm just happy you're okay..." Eridan smiled, "You weren't hurt, were you?"
"Just took a plank of wood to my head, that's all. Um, how's your face?"
Eridan rubbed his cheek, "It's fine. She sure has a fine punch."

"Sol, what do we do now...?"
"....I guess we have to wait to see what comes next..."

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