12: The End

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Eridan's POV:

I regretted it as soon as I saw the horror on everyone's face.


"Oh!" The Queen noticed the three of us standing at the side, "How nice of you to join the party! You're just about to see-"

"YOU BITCH!!" I grabbed the sword from Feferi's hip and charged at her.

"Eridan! Don't-" Sollux warned, but I didn't listen.
She was slowly killing my father!
Instead of doing anything useful, she used her power to toss me aside. I hit the wall, groaning in pain.

I gazed up and saw blue surround me. She brought me closer to my father and forced my eyes open.
"You can watch me kill your father and your friends," She grabbed Feferi and Sollux with the same blue madness, "Then your soldiers," It happened to them, "And Psiioniic. And once that's done and over with, maybe I'll take you on a little trip back to your kingdom and kill everyone in the castle. Then I'll kill you, but maybe after a few years so you can sit on it."

She balled her right hand into a fist. I looked to my dad and he began to hold his own throat, gasping for air.

"Stop it!!!!" I cried. She balled her left hand into a fist and everyone began to look the same as my father.

"Now that Ive thought about it, I'd rather watch them all die at once and see hope leave your eyes." The Queen smirked.

I looked to Psiionic and my father. The both had the color draining from their faces.
I looked at my knights. Karkat and Dave were on their knees slowly falling against the floor, desperate for breath.
I looked at Feferi... She was holding onto Sollux's arm, her grip slowly becoming loose as air was out of reach.
And then... I looked at Sollux. He stared right back at me, the tears falling from his eyes broke me. Even with death approaching, he smiled at me.

Is there really no hope?
Where is the light?

Well... Light shines through darkness. And at this moment, light appeared in the broken.

Everyone surrounded in blue was suddenly dropped to the ground, gasping for air. I fell as well, confused to what just happened.

I looked up and I was shocked to see the Queen with a sword through her body. I looked behind her and saw Vriska, a hand over her bloody eye and the other holding the sword.

"Fall..." Vriska whispered and swiftly pulled the sword out from her body. The Queen fell to the floor, blue blood spreading over the floor.

"V-Vriska... You-"
"Don't worry about it, Eridan..." She sighed and dropped the sword, "I've been waiting to do that since she took my eye like thirty minutes ago," Vriska reached down and grabbed the crown from her mother's head, placing it on herself, "I'm sorry for everything's she's done. I will do everything I can to make things right. And I will seek punishment on the Makara's for what the King did during the ball." She walked up to me and held out her hand, helping me up.

"Thank you-"

"Dualscar! Get up!" Psiioniic cried out.

I turned and saw my father was the only one still laying on the ground. I panicked and ran to my fathers side, seeing his faint breath only getting slower. I shook him.
"G-Get up! W-Why are you still laying down?"

"She... D-Did something... to me... I-I can feel it..."
"N-No," Tears filled my eyes and they fell on my father's chest, "D-Don't you dare leave me!"
"I'm sorry, son." He smiled sadly, "I leave... I leave the kingdom to you."
"Eridan, y-you have to accept it. I have." He grabbed my hand and weakly squeezed it, "You'll m-make a wonderful king... Your mother would be so proud just a-as I am of the person y-you've grown up to be."
"F-Father..." My voice broke, "P-Please..."

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