4: Class

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Sollux's POV:

Well.. Now I know he wouldn't like the idea of marrying me..
Or am I just overreacting to it all?

No! I'm not! He's the one who is overreacting about the whole thing!
Why should it even matter? Why does it matter that I used to be poor? It's not like I'm getting anyone sick or killed. My dad fell in love and I got dragged into being a part of the Royal family, is that too hard to understand or accept?? Why do people make such a big deal?

"This sucks." I leaned back against a tree and sighed. This really does suck. A lot.
It really shouldn't matter who I used to be! I'm still that person, I just smell better and have money!

What does it  shock people?? What's the reason that makes them turn away?

I looked around, trying to find my way out of the maze. We really walked deeply into it.
I hope he finds his way out...
I turned a corner and felt a drop hit my nose. I looked up as it began to sprinkle. Every minute I spent trying to find a way out, the sprinkles began to turn into more and more rain, until it was basically pouring.
My clothes were soaked and it felt awful. Luckily, I finally found the exit to the maze. I ran to it, but paused when I heard sneezing.

"Ugh... Wwhere the hell is the exit??" I heard Eridan's voice, followed by another sneeze.
I was going to just leave, but I couldn't.

What if he couldn't find it?

I turned back into the maze, following the sound of his sneezing. I eventually found him sitting under a gazebo to hide from the rain.He leaned back against it, hugging his legs. I could faintly hear him cursing.

"Eridan?" I walked up to him, seeing him turn his head when I captured his attention, "Come on. I found the exit. Let's head back inside..."

Eridan didn't say anything for a moment and only sneezed again. It actually made me smile a little. Of course, I hid it away when I remembered everything he had said about me originally being a commoner.

"Yeah..." Eridan sighed and stood up. He walked by my side as I led him into the maze, making our way to the exit.
I glanced at him, seeing him stare down at the floor.

It's so awkward now...

I remembered what Eridan said from before...
"Bug me? This is doin' more than just 'buggin' me! I can't believve it! I knoww I shouldn't be upset or anythin' but it just makes me!"

But why does he feel that way? F I never told him, he'd be bound to find out anyways. Would he be mad then?

"I.. Just thought that people should marry into their owwn class. Not marry lowwer than wwhat they are.."

Marry into your own class...
That's subject has been thrown into my face ever since I became a part of this family. Other Royal families scold mine because of my father and I.
What does class have to do with anything? We're just born and labeled as what our family is. Royals are normal like commoners. Commoners can be just as proper as Royals. Why does everyone have to make a big deal about everything. Like in fairytales. Why does a princess always have to marry a prince? It's all about classes and genders!
Of course, now the Royal families have started accepting same gendered marriages throughout their kingdom's villagers; but it's never happened between royal families.

Is that what makes Eridan so angry about it all? Does he care about what gender or class he might be married to?
Will he hate me if its me?

We walked silently into the castle, making our way down the corridor to my bedroom. I opened the door to walk inside when Eridan spoke up.

"Yeah?" I looked to him with hopeful eyes. He only looked down.
"Um... Nevver mind... I'vve seemed to havve forgotten..."
"Oh..." I looked down, "Um, well, I guess I'll see you around tomorrow..."
"Yeah..." Eridan nodded and I walked into my bedroom, closing the door.

Please... Let this turn out okay...

Eridan's POV:

I stood in front of his door, watching him close the door with a disappointed look in his face.
So much for getting to know each other...
I turned around and nearly screamed when I saw Feferi.

"Oh my goodness, you frightened me."
"So sorry." She bowed her head, "Anyways, is everything alright? I saw the look on both of your faves just now and something looks wrong."
"Huh? Oh, evverything is fine. Wwe just... Uh..."
"Let me guess.." She walked by my side down the corridor, "Did you find out anything interesting about my brother?"
"Uh... Yeah, I guess you could say interesting."
"I knew it." She sighed, "And let me guess again, did you respond in a negative manner?"

"Perhaps.." I sighed, "WWe wwent out into the garden to try to get to knoww each other better wwhen he told me about howw he used to be a peasant. It surprised me, and I may have lashed out at him. I tried to apologize, but he wwalked awway. He came back for me wwhen it began to rain, but I could tell he wwas still angry about wwhat I said."

"What exactly did you say if you don't mind me asking?" 

"I'd rather not repeat it." 
"Yikes. It must be pretty bad then." Feferi sighed and brushed some hair out of her face, "Maybe you two can talk about it tomorrow. Just sleep on it tonight, and it'll get worked out tomorrow, I promise." 
"You think so?" 

"Yup! And if it helps, I can force him to talk to you about it!" 

"I suppose so..." I sighed and smiled, "Thank you, Feferi." 

"No problem." She kissed my cheek and ran off into her bedroom. 

I leaned back against the wall, groaning. 

"Why must you present so many shipping opportunities?" I heard Nepeta's voice say. I opened my yes and saw her holding baskets, "First the prince, and now her? You're killing me here." 

"Sorry, Nepeta. I wwasn't trying to do anythin'." 
She shrugged, "Anyway, what's this I heard about working something out tomorrow?" 

"Oh, it's nothing. I just got into a little argument, that's all." 

"Mhm, suuuuuuure." She walked past me, "Also, I overheard that you have ballroom practice tomorrow with the Prince and Princess. You better be sure to get a good nights rest before getting your toes danced on!" She giggled and walked away. 

I opened the door to my bedroom, walking inside and preparing myself for bed. 

Feferi's right. I should just sleep on it and prepare for tomorrow. Get a good nights sleep like Nepeta said... 

Everything will happen tomorrow... 

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