9: The Truth: Part 2

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Eridan's POV:

Anger rushed through my entire body when the realization that they took Sollux rushed over me. I turned quickly to Dave and Karkat, who had just ordered others to take Grand High Blood to the dungeon.
"I want a whole troop over to their kingdom IMMEDIATELY!!! If I don't have the Prince back here by morning, I will fUCKING LOSE IT!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" They all shouted in unison and moved quickly.
I walked to the hallway. Feferi ran over to me as my father and her parents began to take everyone outside to go home.

"Eridan, where are you going?"
"To my room to get ready."
"Ready? For what? Don't tell me you're going with them! You have to stay here! It's too dangerous for you to go! They obviously want you dead!"
"I don't care."
"I do!"  She grabbed my wrist.
"And I care about Sollux!" I turned on my heel to face her, pulling my arm away, "I need to go! Who knows what they're fucking doing to him! I need to, Feferi!"
"I love him!"

I froze. I felt all the tension in my body drop as I felt the words roll off of my tongue. I immediately felt flustered, looking down to avoid Feferi's eyes.
"I-I'm going... You stay here, and don't tell my father."

I didn't get a response. Only a hug.
I wrapped my arms around her, closing my eyes, "I'll be back with your brother before you know it."
"You better." She smiled and let go.

I ran to my bedroom and locked myself in once I was inside. I changed out of my clothes and put on the worst thing I could find. Using my sheets, I tied them together and snuck out through the window. I couldn't risk just walking down the halls.
Once I reached the ground, I made my way to the Royal Guard Quarters. I snuck inside, finding spare armor to put on. I set the helmet on my head just as Karkat walked in.
"What the hell are you doing soldier?!"
"Where's your sword?!" He groaned and tossed a sheath with a sword at my feet, "Hurry up and saddle up with your horse! We have direct orders from the prince! Let's go, slowfuck!"

I grabbed the sword on the ground and starched it to my waist. I walked into the stables and went to my horse, putting on the saddle and reigns as quickly as I could. Equius walked in.
"Hey! What are you doing with the prince's horse!?"
"Relax, it's me," I  flipped open my helmet, "I'm going with the others, don't tell anyone."
"M-My apologies, your highness- But... You really shouldn't..."
"I know I shouldn't, but I am." I got onto my horse, "Take care, Equius. Tell Nepeta she got her way and that she was right about Prince Sollux."
"She'll know what you mean. Just tell her." I smirked and rode out of the stables, catching up with the group of guards riding off.

I'm coming, Sollux...

Sollux's POV:

"Oof!" I fell hard onto a floor, groaning.
"Vriska!! How DARE you!" A loud slap rang through the room. I looked up and saw myself in a different castle, with
Vriska and her mother before me.
I was in their castle...

Vriska hissed, holding her cheek, "I wasn't going to let you-"
"Shut the hell up!" The Queen kicked Vriska over, pressing her heel against her neck, "I was right. You did grow soft... How dare you call yourself a Serket! You're a disgrace to our family! We've worked so hard to get to where we are and you threw it all away! And for what?! Some fucking blind fool who-"
Vriska reached her hand out and scratched at her leg, grabbing her ankle and twisting it.

Guards of their castle came running, grabbing both Vriska and I.
"LET ME GO!" Vriska yelled.

The Queen fixed her tiara and glared at Vriska, "Take her to the dungeon far below ground, chain her to the wall. I don't want to hear her."

Vriska was dragged away, screaming curses. The Queen turned her attention to me, smiling sadistically, "And the poor prince got dragged into all of this mess, didn't he?" She laughed and grabbed me by the chin, "Hm, what to do with a low blood like you." She pondered, "Put him to work. If he doesn't listen, then chain him up by his throat, but don't scar him up too much. I might want to play with him later."
Upon hearing that, I immediately spit at her.

She grabbed my horn and yanked it. I screamed in pain, feeling a pulsating best in it.
"Lock him up down with Vriska. Maybe they'll be the last company they have before meeting their end."
"You'd kill your own daughter?!" I yelled as I was being taken, "What kind of sick fuck are you?!"
"She isn't my daughter anymore." I heard her laugh echo as I was taken away downstairs, deep into the dark and cold dungeon.
I saw Vriska chained by her wrists, slumped down on the floor. On the other hand, I was chained by my ankles and neck.

The cell was shut and locked with a key. I sighed and tried pulling free.

"Don't bother..." Vriska said, "We'll be stuck down here until we die or they take us out of here to be killed." 
I groaned, "How the hell did we end up here?" 
"I overheard one day that my mother went to go see a witch, one that calls herself a witch of space. I don't know, but apparently, my mother bought off a powder from this witch that can transfer you to any spot you imagine." 

"Witchcraft, of course," I sighed and looked down, "What's your mom's deal?" 
"She's a bitch. Wants nothing but power and everything to herself. She takes pleasure in watching the suffering of others. Even me." 
"That's cruel." 
"I know," She laughed, "She's killed people I loved, people I knew..." 
"Was it during the war?" 


Silence came over us for a few moments. 

"She forced me to kill during the war." 

"Are you serious?" 
"Yeah," Vriska looked down, "There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about it. The look on the girl's face... I can never forget it. RIght after I killed her, I saw a boy staring and he screamed her name as I ran off and he ran to her side. They must have been so close, and I just took away their happiness just like that. I hid in the woods after that until my mother had our group retreat. Shortly after, my mother killed someone I deeply cared about. The feelings I was feeling must have been what that little boy was feeling. I only wish I could make things right. After everything my mother did, I've been dreaming so badly to turn on her and make things right." 
"That's really... Dark..." I thought for a moment. Something about what she said sounded very familiar, "Uh, if you don't mind me asking... Who was this person-" 
"Her name was Terezi. My mother killed her because she thought that she was turning me into a soft person and we-" 

"N-No. I'm sorry,  I meant, uh... The girl you were forced to kill with that little boy who screamed." 
"Oh," She glanced at the small opening near the ceiling of the cell, "My kingdom raided another kingdom when I was young, and they brought in a  guillotine to use on villagers we captured. My mother wanted me to kill at least one person. I spotted a girl helping a family escape. I grabbed her and forced her to the guillotine. I had to do it myself, and as soon as it was over, that's when the little boy screamed, dropping a stuffed bee he had in his arms. They were too young. She was too young to go. e was too young to see that. I was too young to do any of it.." 

I felt my body go cold. Blurriness began to take over my vision, feeling like I could vomit. 
"H-Her name... D-Did that little b-boy scream out 'Aradia'?" Vriska slowly nodded and I broke down in tears, "I-I was that boy!" 

Through my tears, I could see the horror and shock on Vriska's face, "I-I am SO sorry," She broke down in tears too, "I-I would have never-" 

"I-I know," I clenched my hands into fists, "I know..." 

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