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" to me." Hank yelled into the phone. As Hank was yelling into his phone the rest of the team were arriving at work and could hear him. "Whys Voight yelling into his phone?" Adam asked Dawson "no clue, he just started yelling into his phone." Dawson said. As the rest of the team got to work on their paperwork, Hank came out his office and yelled "mouse ping Erin's phone and text me the location. The rest of you stay here and do paperwork until I get back or you hear from me." Hank said. Hank then ran to his SUV and started driving to the airport where Erin dropped Jay off.

Text message from mouse
Erin's at the Chicago airport, it appears to be that she never left.
When Hank got closer to the airport he saw that there were cops and firefighters there clearing the air of car parts. He put his SUV in park and jumped out and ran over to the scene. "Sir, you can't go past the line." A rookie officer said "like hell I can't, that is my daughters car." Hank said "look, I still can't let you past the tape here." He said "Sargent Hank Voight, you let me past the tape or I'll have to knock you out." Hank said "I'm sorry Sargent I still can't let you go past the tape." He said "Voight nice to you, what are you doing here?" Severide asked "that's Erin's car!" He said "he's with us." Severide said

"thanks Kelly." Hank said "what was Erin doing at the airport?" Severide asked "she was dropping Jay off and then coming into work, where is she?" Hank asked "she isn't here, we thought that whoever was in the car got out and went to get help." Severide said "she's missing is what your saying?" Hank asked "yes, we will call Med and see if she's there." He said "No, keep this quiet. No one knows about this except for you and I. Who ever did this knew what they were doing and they kidnapped her."

He said "got it." He said. Hank then got into his SUV and drove back to the station but before he went back he went to Med. When Hank arrived at Med he went inside looking for Will, Jays brother. "Sargent how can we help you?" Maggie asked "yea, is Will Halstead around." Hank asked "yea, right over there." She said "Thank you, also has Erin been in here at all today?" Hank asked "Umm, no. Is everything alright?" She said "it will be." Hank said "Sargent what can I do for?"

Will asked "is there any way you can give a message to your brother? It's about Erin." Hank asked "yea, I can do that." Will said "thanks, and you can't tell anyone about this." Hank said "got it, I'll get it to him right away." Will said. After Hank gave Will the piece of paper that had the message on it he headed back to the district to get the team working on this case.

When he arrived at the district he just sat in his car and broke down crying. He didn't understand why anyone would want to hurt his daughter. Once he got himself together he headed inside. "Everything alright sarge? Adam asked. Hank just ignored him and went into his office hoping that he would hear from whoever took her. When Alvin saw that hank and noticed that he ignored adam, he went into his office. "Hank, what's wrong?" he asked "someone took her." Hank said "someone took Erin?" he asked "yes, we need to find her. But we must keep this in house." Hank said "ok, tell me what happened." he said. Hank told Alvin everything that he knew. 

At Chicago Med

Will was calling Jay to tell him what Hank needed him to know, because it was really important he said. 

Conversation with Jay on the phone


Hey, little brother.

Will, what's up

Nothing really, other than that I have a message for you.

Who's it from?

Hank Voight

What's the message

reading the note that hank gave him

Jay, I don't know how to tell you this but I hate that I have to tell you this just after you leave. I will make sure to update Will and have him call you or you can call me whenever, but it's Erin she's been kidnapped. She called me after she dropped you off at the airport. I was talking to her but then all of sudden she wasn't talking to me anymore. Don't worry tho because I will get whoever did this to her and they will pay for kidnapping a cop and my daughter. 

Oh my god. 

Jay, I will keep you updated.

Thanks Will. Talk to you later. 

Stay Safe. 

Call ended

At Base

"Sargent, can we talk." Jay asked. "yeah, what's on your mind." he asked "well, I was wondering if I could get discharged early and head back home for good. Something  has happened and I need to be there." Jay said "depends, what has happened son." he asked "well, my partner who also happens to be my girlfriend and the mother to my two unborn children was kidnapped. I need to be there and help out with the case. I can come back after they are found. If I have to." Jay said "You know what kid, you have served your country well, so it's time for you to be with your family. You're on the next flight out." he said "thank you sir, it means a lot." Jay said "Jay, call me Steven." he said "Thank you Steven, I probably won't be back but if you're ever in Chicago just give me a call and we can catch up." Jay said "I will, now go find your family." he said. They gave each other a man hug and then Jay went to pack up his stuff so that he could fly out right when the next flight was going back to Chicago and the flight was in about two hours. 

At Intelligence 

" All of you are probably wondering why I have ran out this morning. I was on the  phone with Erin earlier and she got into an accident and we were talking but then she all of a sudden stopped talking so I went to where her car was, and it appears to be that someone has kidnapped her. We are going to find her no matter what it takes, but this case is gonna stay in house. Also Jay knows and if he contacts any of you don't tell him anything without clearing it with me." Hank said. They all just stood their in shook not knowing what to say or even do. 

With Erin

I start to wake up since I know that I was knocked out. I wake up in the room that has no rooms. The first thing I think about is that I don't know where I am and the last thing that I remember is that I was coming back from the airport and I was on the phone with Hank. Then all of a sudden everything goes black. 

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