Goodbyes are hard...

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I can't believe that I got kidnapped. Who'd want to kidnap a cop especially a pregnant cop who works for Hank Voight and also who'd want to kidnap Hank Voight's  daughter. I just hope that he finds me soon. I bet Jay doesn't know what going on. "Well look who's awake." Dante says "who are you?" I ask "I'm Dante, you put my crew in jail a couple months ago. Except for me, who was lucky enough to get away." He said "ok, well what do you want with me." I asked "I want my crew out of prison and a getaway car with a million dollars." He said "you aren't going to get that from me. First of all I can't do anything if I'm here with you, second of all I'm not a cop who makes deals with criminals." I said "you will if I tell you that my men are flying over to Iraq to kidnap your partner." He said "you wouldn't" I said "I would if that's what it takes." He said "fine let me make a call to someone who can get you what you need." I said "ok." He said

At the airport in Chicago
Jay's POV
I have just arrived at the airport, I didn't tell anyone that I was coming back since it kind of just happened all of a sudden. I got an uber waiting for me to take me back to our apartment. Since erin and I are living together it's gonna feel weird being there without her and knowing that somewhere out in the city someone is hurting her. I decided that I would first go home and take a shower then I was going to head over to the district since I knew that Hank would be there. When I got to the apartment I went inside but once I got inside I set my stuff down on the floor and headed to our room but when I got in our room all of the emotions I was holding in. Just hit me, I just sat on the floor and cried that felt like forever but it was only 20 minutes. Once I was able to pull myself together I got into the shower and I took the longest shower of my which is 30 minutes. Once I got out of the shower I threw on some jeans and a nice shirt, with my usual shoes. I dressed as if I was getting ready for work. Once I was all dressed, I went and got my keys to head over to the district but it just so happened to be that I threw my keys next to a picture of me and Erin. Once I saw I just started to cry but I made my way to my car while crying.

 Once I saw I just started to cry but I made my way to my car while crying

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When I got to my car I just sat there crying. Since I knew that when I got to the district I would have to hold it all in. Once I was able to pull myself together, I turned my car on and started to drive over to the district. When I got there all the cars were gone except for those who were on the job and also the whole intelligence team. I got out of the car and headed inside and when I got inside I went straight into voights office without anyone seeing me. "Jay? What are you doing here?" He asked "I'm here to help find Erin." I said "when did you get back?" He asked "I got back a couple of hours ago." I said "well, ok! Then can you tell me if you know who would want to take Erin? Could be someone she knew when she was a teenager? Could it be someone you put away and wanting revenge?" He asked "I have been thinking a lot about it but there is this one guy that we put away well we didn't put him away since he escaped but he put his entire crew away." I said "well what's the guy's name that escaped?" He asked "his name was Dante." I said "well there is only one Dante here in Chicago, and he tends to hang around the Chicago high school." He said "well, let's go and pay him a visit." I said "Jay, why do you stay here. Dawson and olinsky go and check it out." He said "got it, sarge." They both said. Olinsky and Dawson headed to where Dante likes to hang around. When they arrived the got out and put their shirts over their badges so that he wouldn't know they were cops.

What's the plan here? Dawson asked

The plan, is to figure out if he is who we think he is and then we head back to the district and we will figure the rest out with the team. O said.

You,Dante? Dawson

Who wants to know? He asked

We do so answer the question. Olinsky said

And who are you two. He asked

Two people you don't want to mess with. Dawson said

Well, I gotta go. See ya around. He said

Dante then walked away he turned around the corner so that they wouldn't follow him. Once he went around the corner. He went to the back of the house that he was holding Erin.

Looks like we got our guy. Dawson said

Yup, we better go and tell hank. Olinsky said
Olinsky and Dawson got into their car and headed back to the 21st district to let the team know that they had a good guess that Dante is the one that kidnapped Erin. Once they arrived back at the district they went inside right away.

So what did you two find out? Hank asked. Well we believe Dante is the man that has him. We didn't get to talk that much but when he left he didn't go inside the house he was sitting outside of he got up and went around the corner so we believe that he went around back. Dawson said. Alright let's go and save Erin. I said. Jay, I know that you want to save your partner but you aren't going inside you are going to be outside with me, and the team will call us in if they find her. Hank said. Fine, but the minute they find something I'm going in. I said That's fine, let's get going. Hank said. Once they all got their stuff into their cars they jumped into the car and headed over to Dante's house. Jay was riding with Hank, since he didn't want to drive since he is use to Erin always driving.

Dante's Place
Erin's POV
Well well, looks like we are going to be needing to move you. I think I had to of your fellow detectives come and visit me today, and I can't have them finding you until we make a little deal. He said. Do you really think you're going to get away with kidnapping a chicago police officer? I asked. Shut up, you don't know anything. He said. I know that you are getting nervous and that is why you are moving me. I said. Once I said that he got mad and he grabbed some rope and tied my hands and feet then he threw me into the trunk of his car and he drove off.

Hank's POV
We have just arrived at Dante's place. Dawson and Olinsky you go around back and take the main level, Dawson and Atwater you go through the front then take the top floor. Be careful, Erin could be inside. They all went to their positions and did as voight did. Jay you go search the front of the house and see if anything looks out of the ordinary. Jay went and looked around the bushes and he didn't see anything out of the ordinary until he came across some tire tracks. Voight, I got something you're gonna wanna see. He said. What is it Jay. I asked. Look at this you see these tire tracks they look like someone was trying to get out of here really fast and their and two sets of footprints one of them goes to drivers side and the other one doesn't go to the passenger side it goes to the trunk. I think he is on the run with Erin. He said Everyone back to the district NOW! He is on the move and he has taken Erin with him

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