Family time

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A week later
Well boys time to head over to see grandpa hank and have a talk with him. Aren't you two the cutest boys matching outfits. I can't believe that I've turned into that parent that puts their kids in the same outfit. Jay said

Jay got the boys into his Ford Raptor and he drove over to the district. As he was on his way there he made a stop at Starbucks to get himself a coffee since he was running on very little sleep. Once he got his coffee he arrived at the district and got both of the boys out of the truck. He then headed inside going in through the back since he didn't want to see anyone besides the unit.

Jay made his way up the bullpen and he put the boys car seats on the floor by his desk and took his coat off. "Hey guys, I need to talk with voight would you mind watching the boys. They should fall asleep soon." Jay asked "we'd love to watch out favorite nephews." Dawson said "thank you." Jay said

Jay walked into hanks office knowing that he didn't have to knock anymore ever since he an Erin started dating seriously he didn't have to knock on his door but he still did up until Erin was killed.

Jay I didn't except to see you back at work so soon, I figured you'd want to spend some time with the boys. Hank said. I'm not here to work I'm here to ask you a favor. Jay said. Okay what can I do for you? Hank asked. I was wondering if I could take some more time off to spend time with my boys. I don't know how long but I just don't think I can work right now. I truly believe that this is the right thing to do at least for right now. Jay said. Of course you can have more time off. Just let me know when you wanna come back. Hank said. Well here's the thing I wasn't actually going to say anything until I thought it over more but, now that we are having this conversation. I better bring it up now, I actually don't know if I'm going to come back. I love working for the best unit in Chicago but I have two boys that I need to think about. They already lost their mother and I don't want them always worrying about if they'll lose their father too.

What I'm trying to say is that the chances that I'll come back are slim. Jay said. Not that this is my business but raising two kids with just one income isn't easy and the fact that you won't be working won't make it easier. Hank said. I get paid from the army monthly still so that will help out and I have Erin and I  "rainy day" money. I am also going to still work but just not be a detective anymore I am think of maybe becoming a teacher who will teach the younger generations about law enforcement. Jay said. " When I first hired you I will be honest I didn't like you mainly because I knew that once you saw Erin that you two would have feelings for eachother and now that I look back I am glad that she is the one that made you happy and you made her happy.
Over the years I have watched you become a great detective but more importantly I have watched you treat Erin how she should be treated with love and respect. I am proud to say that I agree that it's time for you to hang up the badge and go teach the younger generations what you know and more importantly you will be their for the boys." Hank said. "Thank you, I appreciate it an it was a honor being able to work with you and I am sorry that you have to fill two spots now." Jay said. "Jay, I'll be honest it'll be hard to replace the two of the best detectives I've had but it's what's right. I am glad that I was able to work alongside of you. If you ever want to come back there will always be a spot for you." Hank said " I was wondering if we could wait on telling the unit that I won't be coming back. I wanna make sure that what I'm doing is right." Jay asked "of course we can wait, when you feel that the time is right to tell them come talk to me an we will tell them together." Hank said. "I'll see you later hank." Jay said "take care of those two little boys." Hank said

After that Jay left the district with the boys and went back home and put them in their beds to take a nap.

Hey guys I know it's been a while since I've updated I've been busy but this chapter was too long so I have decided to split it into two parts I'll be posting the next part in the new few days

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