change isn't always a good thing....

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Erin come on stay with me keep your eyes open. We are starting a family. Our kids need you. Jay said. I love you Erin said as her eyes started closing. NO!ERIN! Open your eyes I need you our kids need you. I can't live without you. Come on open your eyes. Jay yelled.

The ambulance has arrived the paramedics rush over to Erin's side they start an IV and they get her stable enough to load her onto the stretcher and they rush her to Chicago Med. Where a team of doctors are waiting for her.

When they arrive at Chicago Med, dr. Rhodes and dr. Choi rushed her into surgery since she is in critical condition. Once they get her on the operating table they put her to sleep. They start looking for the bullet since it wasn't a through and through.

When they find the bullet it was inches away from her heart. They realized they needed to be extra careful and one mistake could cause her to lose her life. Since the bullet was so close to the heart they had to do an emergency c-section.

While the doctors were working on Erin jay and the rest of the team were sitting in the waiting room.

Someone needs to go and tell jay that he's going to be a dad today. Dr. Rhodes said. Yes, doctor. A nurse said. Actually wait, get Dr. halstead up here right now. Dr. Rhodes said. Yes, doctor. A nurse said.
Now we wait for will to get up here. Dr. Rhodes said. Dr. Rhodes you asked for me? Will asked. Yes, I thought since jay can't be here due to Erin's injuries that you would want to be here when become an uncle. Dr. Rhodes said.

Oh boy! But isn't it too early for them to be born. Jay should be here for when his kids are born. Will said. Will, calm down. The twins will be fine and we can't let jay in since after they are delivered we have to get started on getting the bullet out. Dr.Rhodes said.

Well let's get started now then. Will said. Okay here we go everyone time bring two new kids to the world. Dr. Rhodes said. They had cut open Erin's stomach for the emergency c-section. They got started on the procedure everything was going smoothly they got the first baby out. Well, Will it looks like you have a nephew. Dr. Rhodes said. A nephew well he's gonna be spoiled. Time to get his sibling out now. Will said.

Then all of a sudden the monitors started beeping. We are losing her that bullet must of got to her heart. Alright everyone time to get the second one out. While I'm doing that getting this OR ready for a cardio surgery. Dr. Rhodes said. Everyone didn't say anything they all just nodded. And now we welcome another little boy into the world. Dr. Rhodes said.

Alright now let's save their mothers life. Will go with your nephews and don't tell jay about what's happening in here I don't want to scare him. Dr. Rhodes said. I will, don't let these two kids lose their mother before she gets to meet them. Will said. I will do my best. Dr. Rhodes said.

Back in the waiting room
Will walked into the waiting to find the whole intelligence unit waiting. He saw that Jay was sleeping and he didn't want to wake him up but he knew that he had too. Will walked over to Jay and woke him up. Jay...Jay...I have some news for you. Will said. Wha...what's going on? Is she alright? How are the twins are they ok? Jay asked. She is still in surgery they are doing heart surgery. Dr. Rhodes will be out when they finish to tell you more about it but, the reason that I'm out here is to tell you that your a dad now. They had to do an emergency c-section. Since the bullet was so close to Erin's heart. Will said. Are you saying that I'm a dad? Jay asked. Yes, do you want to meet your kids now? Will asked. Of course! I'm a dad! Jay shouted. Wait?! Erin had the twins? Hank asked. Yes, your a grandpa! Will said. Oh my goodness are they ok? Is she ok? Hank asked.  Come with me and I'll explain on the way. Will said

They both followed will to the NICU on the way Will told them that they had to do an emergency c-section in order to save the twins and Erin. Will also explained that right now they are doing heart surgery on Erin since the bullet is so close to Erin's heart. They twins will be in the NICU for about 2 days just to make sure everything is ok with them.

Once they arrived to the NICU they all had to put gowns on. Well Jay, hank you have two little boys to look after now. Will said. I have 2 sons? Jay asked. Yes, and hank has two grandsons. Will said. I can't believe it I'm a dad and I have two handsome boys. Jay said. Well looks like we have two trouble makers in the making if they are anything like their parents. Hank said. Oh boy two boys! Two trouble makers I know they are going to be a handful already. Jay said

Back in the OR
We are working on getting Erin's pulse back but once we got the second twin out she flat lined and we  had to get her pulse back in order to get started on the heart surgery. Someone start giving her cpr before we shock her. Dr. Rhodes said. On of the nurse started doing cpr while he got ready to shock her. Ok everyone clear. 1..2..3..clear. Dr. Rhodes said. No change. A nurse said. Come one Erin don't do this. Come one. He said. Again. Shocking to 350 1...2...3...clear. He said no change. The nurse said again. Damn it. I'm calling it. Time of death 10:58pm. Dr. Rhodes said.

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