Dragonfire's Story ch. 2

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I rip a leg of my prey. It tastes of dirt and grime. The meat is stringy, and the flavor lasts a couple of seconds. Twolegs. Ha! The name leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Almost as bad as the taste coming from this rabbit. They must be doing something with our prey. Stupid creatures. They don't care who or what they damage. They just complete their goals, then leave. Leave their rubbish, their filth, and their poison.

I shudder as I remember the last time Twolegs affected our prey. The rabbits tasted fine, but left our cats with belly aches. Some weak elders lost their lives, along with some of our warriors. I survived.

I feel a brush against my flank. I whip my head around, snarling at whatever decided to touch ME.

"Hello Dragonfire!", Spotpaw exclaimed. "I've been lookin' for ya! Snaketail said that my mentor ceremony is tonight! I'm so excited! I don't know who I'm gonna choose yet, but I have an idea!", Spotpaw said. Since when did apprentices choose their own mentors?

I tried to not care. I don't care. I haven't cared for anything in moons. Yet, I couldn't help feeling... excited.

"And get this! Snaketail said my choices were Longbark, Earthwhisker, Wingfoot, himself, and YOU! I can't believe it! I can choose you! Snaketail said I should choose him, but he's always grumpy. I asked him when I should choose, and he growled at me. I'm never gonna choose HIM!", the apprentice rambled on.

"Sure.", was I all I could manage to say.

"Spotpaw! Wanna play wrestle?", I heard coming from outside. A gray, thin looking apprentice ran over to Spotpaw. It was the kit born two moons ago. Pebblepaw, I think it was. "Spotpaw, watcha doin' ever he..." The apprentice stopped. His eyes shifted over in my direction. "Um, Spotpaw, maybe the elders need some more bedding. Right now." Pebblepaw said. "But we just changed it this morning!" "No matter! Let's go!" The gray apprentice nudged Spotpaw, and they both took off towards the elders' den.

I chewed my rabbit some more, trying to dismiss what had just happened. No matter. I should probably get some sleep...

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