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You groaned as your alarm clock went off. You hit the snooze button to go back to sleep, however the mail had other ideas. The mailman rang your doorbell, so you got up to go answer. "Hello." He greeted. "Hi." You replied.

"I'm looking for a Ms. Y/N L/N." "That would be me." He smiled and nodded "Got a package and a letter for ya." You nodded. You accepted both, signed the paper to show you received the items, then went inside.

You opened the package to find it was a small oxygen tank with a note attached to it. It read 'Come to the museum tonight at midnight, I'll let you in. But when you arrive, put on the oxygen mask and do NOT take it off until I tell you to. Signed, J'

You thought it was strange, maybe the letter would give more details? You opened the letter carefully. There was a faint chemical smell to it, just like all the others. It read

'Dearest Y/N
Hello my dear, how have you been? Good, I should hope. We can't have my queen be upset, now can we? I'll cut to the chase my dear. I'd like for us to meet, in the museum. The address is on the back, be there at midnight sharp. I'd hate for you to miss out on all the fun. Just be sure to come wearing the oxygen mask, you'll see why when you arrive. Oh, and do dress nicely if you would my dear. I'll see you tonight at midnight, until then.
Signed, J'

You turned the paper over to find an address written in purple ink. "Might as well go... I don't have anything better to do, but why midnight?" You muttered.

Time skip until midnight

You pulled up to the designated museum at 11:57. You got out of the car and walked up to the door and put on the oxygen mask. You saw the silhouette of a man standing in the museum along with several others. He glanced behind himself and saw you.

He opened the door, grabbed your wrist, and pulled you inside. "How lovely to see you again, my dear ~" he purred. "D- do I know you?" You asked. He chuckled "You knew me as Jack Napier. But he's dead now, you can call me Joker ~ though I'm not opposed to affectionate little nicknames." He leaned forward and kissed your cheek.

"W- what happened to Jack...?" You asked. Joker chuckled "He fell into a vat of chemicals, and became this. Come along my dear, you don't want to miss the fun. Now do you?" You shook your head.

"Good girl ~" he said as he grabbed your hand and led you up some stairs. "Stay here doll. The show will begin momentarily ~" he said as he sat you down at a table. You watched in horror as everyone except Joker, his henchmen, and you of course, were killed by nerve gas.

Joker just laughed. "Gentlemen, let's broaden our minds. LAWRENCE!" Joker said. At his words his henchmen set off to vandalize the art. Except one painting, just because Joker liked the painting. Once they were done vandalizing the art, Joker approached you.

"How did you enjoy the show, doll?" Joker asked. You gulped "I- it was interesting." You said. Joker nodded approvingly "Very good. Now doll, I can't take you with me just yet. I haven't gotten everything all ready for you just yet. But when everything is ready, I'll come and get you. Okay?" You nodded. "O- okay." Joker nodded and kissed your cheek.

"Good girl. Be safe, stay away from Batsy." You nodded. Of course you'd go to Batman for help, he's the only one who could take on the Joker and live to tell about it. Joker walked you to the door and opened it for you.

Before he let you leave he whispered "In regards to affectionate nicknames, I prefer Daddy ~" you gulped but nodded. "O- okay, g- good to know." You said. Joker kissed your cheek one last time before he let you leave.

Sick Joke of Obsession (Yandere! Joker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now