Assitance from the Bat and kidnapping

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As you made your way home you looked for any sign of Batman. Surely he'd be able to help you, right? That was when you felt yourself being watched. "B- Batman...?" You asked. "Hello Y/N. Did he hurt you?" A deep voice asked.

You looked around. Then Batman approached you from the shadows. You told him all you had witnessed and what the Joker had said to you. "Come on, we need to get you out of here." Batman said as he gently took your hand and led you back to your house through the shadows.

He opened the door for you. "Stay away from windows, doors, any form of entry way. Turn off the location on your phone and anything else that can be tracked. And above all, do NOT go outside at night." Batman instructed.

You nodded "Yes sir." He nodded. "Go turn off the location on anything that can be tracked." You nodded and set off to turn off the location on your phone, computer, etc.

Time skip to midnight

You were sound asleep in your room, Batman was in the living room nearby to protect you. That was when you were awoken by the sound of glass breaking. "Y/N, STAY OUT OF HERE!" Batman yelled. You hid under your bed for safety.

You heard familiar psychotic laughter. "Y/N, come out, come out wherever you are ~" an all too familiar voice sang out. You shook as you watched the Joker walk around your room. "Take her belongings back to my personal chambers." Joker commanded.

At once his henchmen started taking everything they could and put it in their truck. "Y/N, I know you're here my sweet ~ I can hear your little heart racing with anticipation ~" Joker said. He bent down and grinned as he found you under your bed. "Come to Daddy ~" he said as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out.

You were shaking in fear of what Joker would do to you. "W- what're you gonna do to me...?" You asked fearfully. Joker chuckled and kissed your nose "I'm going to marry you of course ~" he said. You gulped and quickly glanced around to see if you could spot Batman.

"Batsy's gone bye bye, my love ~" Your eyes widened in fear of what he meant by that. "W- what happened to him...?" Joker just laughed "We sent him on a wild goose chase! Hehehehe, he thinks he's chasing you. But he's just chasing a milkman's truck with a bomb in the back HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Joker exclaimed. Howling with psychotic laughter.

Tears pricked your eyes "W- will he die...?" You asked. "We certainly hope so, my dear. We can't have Batsy intruding on our wedding ceremony, now can we?" "N- no..." You said. You hoped agreeing with him would give you an opportunity to escape.

"Good girl." He said as he kissed your forehead. "Let's go boys, I have what I want." Joker said as he picked you up bridal style and carried you to his truck where he had you sitting in his lap for the entire duration of the ride to his hideout.

"Welcome home, my sweet ~" Joker said as he carried you to his personal chambers. Everything was either purple or orange. "How do you like it? This will be our room~" he said. You gulped as you looked around.

There were several pictures of you on a wall and what appeared to be lotion on some of the photos. What disturbed you the most was the fact that the photos were of you either in the shower or getting dressed.

Suddenly, you didn't think the liquid was lotion. "I- it's a nice room." You said. Joker kissed your cheek "Glad you think so, my sweet ~" Joker said. "Now then, just sleep love." Joker said as he pressed a rag over your face. You tried to struggle but quickly gave up in fear of the Joker. The world then went black.

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