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Warning: Mature content ahead

You awoke to find yourself tied down to the Joker's bed. He was sitting near where the pictures were, grunting softly. You gulped but stayed silent in fear of him. "Y/N, hah ~ y- yes ~" Joker growled.

You struggled to keep the contents of your stomach down as you realized what he was doing. He grunted one final time before pulling up his boxers and pants. He glanced at you to find you were awake.

"Hello dear, how was your nap ~?" Joker asked as he climbed on top of you, slowly and gently caressing your cheek. "I- it was good..." You said nervously. Joker nodded in approval "Good." He kissed your cheek.

"J- Joker...?" You asked. He tilted his head to the side "Yes, my sweet?" "I- is it okay if I ask you something?" Joker chuckled "You just did." He started cracking up laughing. As though he had heard the funniest joke, but you knew better.

"Of course you may." He replied when he calmed down. He started to play with your hair "Why am I here? I- I mean, what do you want with me?" You asked. Joker simply chuckled darkly "You're here because I love you, dear. I want you to be my bride. Does that make sense?" You nodded.

"Does that answer all your questions?" You nodded again. "Good, I'm glad I could answer your questions." Joker said in a low tone. "Now we can move on to more important things on the agenda ~" he purred as he pressed his hips to yours.


You gasped as you felt his bulge pressed against you. You whimpered in sheer terror at what this madman would do to you "Awww, my little kitty grows impatient ~ no worries kitten, Daddy will touch you and make you feel good ~" he purred in your ear.

Joker chuckled as he started taking off his shirt. You gulped and shook as you prayed Batman or someone would save you from this insane monster. You tightly closed your eyes as he started taking off his pants "Open your eyes." Joker hissed.

You obeyed him in fear. "Good girl ~" he patted your head. "Take off my boxers then suck Daddy off ~" he purred. You mentally gagged at the mere thought of it. You leaned forward and hooked the hem of his boxers in your teeth and pulled them down.

You would've used your hands but they were tied to the headboard. You gulped, but took him into your mouth. Joker purred in approval as you sucked on him. "Good girl, such a good girl ~" Joker groaned.

You mentally gagged 'This is too fucking gross and sick' you thought. The only reason why you had obeyed him was because you knew Joker was a dangerous sociopathic serial killer. You knew he'd have no problem killing you and doing God knows what to your corpse. You didn't put it past him, the Joker is a disturbing individual.

Joker let out a grunt as you licked him quickly. "I- I'm close doll ~" Joker growled. You gulped but kept sucking on him until you felt a hot liquid fill your mouth. "Swallow." Joker commanded. You gulped down the liquid and shuddered in disgust.

Joker patted your head "Good girl ~" he purred as he pinned you down to the bed. "J- Joker...?" You asked. "Call me daddy when we do this, okay sweetheart?" You nodded quickly "Okay, daddy." You struggled to not vomit from the events occurring to you.

"Daddy, I- I've never done this before..." You said softly. Joker kissed your forehead "That just makes this even more fun ~" he purred as he quickly shoved himself into you. You yelped in pain and clawed at his back from the pain. Joker didn't seem to care about the pain he was inflicting on you, instead he seemed to be... Enjoying it.

'Fucking sick son of a bitch!' You thought as hot tears fell down your cheeks. Joker kept slamming into you as hard and as fast as he could. "Hnng~ fuck ~ you're so tight love ~" Joker growled.

You just whimpered softly from the torturous agony he was inflicting on you. "Hah ~ fuck, I'm... I'm close ~" Joker groaned as he kept ramming into you. "M- my stomach feels weird!" You whimpered. Joker kissed you roughly "That just means you're gonna climax, it's perfectly natural love ~" he explained.

"D- does it hurt...?" You asked with innocent fear. "Nope, it feels good ~" Joker purred. He grunted one last time before he climaxed in you, filling you up with his hot seed. You also climaxed on him.

Joker slowly pulled out "Suck." He commanded. You took him into your mouth once more and sucked on him. Joker purred "Ah ~ fuck~ that feels so good baby ~ you're so good at this ~" he purred. You did your best to stop the contents of your stomach from coming out.

Joker lightly thrusted into your throat as well as gripped the back of your head. "I- I'm close ~" he groaned. You licked and sucked on him until he climaxed in your mouth once more. You swallowed it all making him smirk.

"Damn. you've got quite the skilled mouth, princess ~" he purred. You forced a blush "Get some sleep, love." He said as he tucked you in. Joker kissed you goodnight then laid down next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.

Sick Joke of Obsession (Yandere! Joker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now