A New Rival

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When I woke up I saw Joker was gone again, which would provide some relief for me. At least I wouldn't have to deal with that sick bastard all day. That's good at least. Though he had stolen things for me I never used the things he got me.

You never know with Joker. You never know how many people were slaughtered over it. How many families were hurt. How many unnecessary deaths happened. I sighed as I got up and held the jacket closet to me. I heard a knock on the door "You up? Joker got you some food before he left."

Joker got me some food? Probably pancakes with someone's blood as syrup. Something sick and twisted like that. I opened the door and I was right about the pancakes part but luckily it wasn't blood for syrup. I was a but shocked but I was hungry.

At least it wasn't blood, I don't think my stomach would be able to handle that. I quickly ate them and immediately I felt better because I actually had food in my system. Not to mention it was actually good food rather than something his henchmen made. I doubt he trusts his henchmen with my food...

So that was a plus. I didn't know what I was going to do now that I finished it. At least now Joker would know I ate. I didn't want to call him..Ugh 'daddy.' It was just fucking gross! I hated it! Why did he have to make me call him that?! Fucking sick sadistic monster!

I hated him and I hated this damn room and I hated his fucking henchmen who just followed without thought! I just hated it all! I especially hated that there was the chance that they had KILLED Batman! Now who would help me out of this mess?!

And I knew where Joker went, to get things to celebrate it with. I sighed and leaned against the door and honestly I just cried out my worries. "You okay in there sweetheart?" A soft male voice asked me.

I sniffled "y-yeah..I'm fine.." I said as I rubbed my eyes. "Is it okay if I come in?" Didn't Joker say he'd kill the entire family of whoever came in here with me without him present to protect me?

I bit my lip "maybe..that's not a good idea.." I said as I looked at the door. "Why not?" "B- because Joker might kill you, o- or worse! Your family!" "I don't have a family. His threats don't mean anything to me." I was about to let him in, before thinking I didn't know this man..but he seemed nice..for a henchman anyway. But he worked for the Joker, you have to be a bit... Off... To work for the Joker.

I didn't know if I trusted him yet, maybe one day but I didn't know him well enough,  he was a new henchman. Maybe I could trust him... But he didn't have anything to lose other than his own life if he did anything to me and Joker found out...

But what if Joker didn't find out...? I'll get to know him a bit first... I sighed and slowly unlocked the door "Hi, you must be Ms. L/N." He said politely. I nodded quietly. "Y-Yeah..I am..and you are?" "I'm Jim, Jim Bartner." (Sorry not sorry Jim) He said with a friendly smile.

I nodded. "Nice to meet you.." I said as I smiled lightly at him. "May I come in?" He asked politely. I nodded and opened the door more for him to slip through. "Man... So this is what you have to stay in until Joker gets back?" He asked as I nodded.

"Why does he keep you in here all alone?" "He doesn't want anyone but him laying a finger on me." I sighed.
He looked at me "You don't like him in the least do you?" I shook my head "No, I'm afraid of him." "That's understandable." I nodded as I looked down "Why do you care though?" I asked softly.

"Because I want to help you." "Y-You can do that?" I asked shocked. "Joker won't like it, but yes." He said. I nodded "What do we have to do?"
Jim smiled "Well, you'd have to belong to someone else..." I tilted my head "How would that work?" Jim's smile turned ominous as he pushed me onto the bed, locked the door, then started taking off his shirt.

Sick Joke of Obsession (Yandere! Joker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now