Bane and Deathstroke

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I perked up as Joker got up as well, both curious as to who it was. "Stay behind me dear." Joker said as he slowly opened the door. Bane was there and he had killed off Joker's goons. I gulped in fear "Stay here sweetheart." Joker whispered as he went off to fight Bane. He charged at Bane and went to shoot him but Bane grabbed his arm and threw him into some equipment. He then looked in my direction and started walking towards me. I shut the door and locked it and hid in a cabinet. Not an ideal hiding place, but it was the best I had.

It wasn't like there was many places to hide in this room, was Bane here to kill me or to help? I have no idea anymore... "Y/N, please come out. I'm taking you away from Joker." Bane said. "OH FUCKING HELL NO!!!!" Joker yelled. There were quick footsteps then a grunt of pain and a loud crashing sound. "Please come out, I'll protect you."

I was hesitant but slowly opened the door to the cabinet. Anything to get me out of here... I walked to the door and opened it. "Hello." Bane said politely. "H- hello." I replied nervously. Please tell me Bane doesn't just want to kill me... He looked at me "We don't have much time, he's not going to be happy seeing you're not here we need to go now."

I nodded. Bane picked me up gently, I tensed up in his arms. "It's okay, I won't hurt you. I promise." He said reassuringly. I slowly nodded as I held on, normally I wouldn't trust him but I don't have an option right now. It's either go with Bane or stay and be tortured by Joker's 'love.' I doubt Bane would try to r*pe me, unlike Joker, Bane was somewhat more of a gentleman.

He was still a killer, but at least Bane didn't r*pe his victims. He just killed them... Maybe this was a bad idea...
But too late to turn back now, I just hope I made the right decision... I don't know if I can trust him.."Wh-what about batman?" We don't know if the Batman is dead or not. We're working to find that out now." Bane responded.

I nodded at least there was hope "Funnily enough I don't want him dead, it would be boring here in Gotham then." I nodded "Yeah?" "Indeed. While it does get frustrating with Batman ruining the plots of villains, if we did finally win there would be nothing left for us to do."

"That does sound like it would be one would stop you, make things interesting and challenge you.."
Bane nodded "Exactly. It's interesting finally gaining what you want for so long before it gets boring." "We're here." He said as he gently set me down. "Where's here...?" "My hideout." I nodded as I looked around, I felt like I should stay close to Bane in case Joker found us.

If Joker found us then Bane could protect me, right? Bane easily knocked Joker around back at the hideout. So surely he could do it again right? Surely he could, Bane is way stronger than Joker. So Bane could easily take him in a fight. But..Joker when he's mad..I've never seen that personally in a fight and I didn't want to either.

I heard him yelling and I heard how brutal he can be. You can't underestimate Joker, he's smaller than Bane but he's just as deadly. Not to mention he's wittier than Bane is. He's clever, he uses his insane mind rather than his strength. But Bane is fast though that's not going to last forever in a fight...

Joker's wit could last in a fight though, but their strength and quickness would fade after a while. Then Bane would be left with his large size to try and deter Joker, but Joker has his weapons like knives and guns. There's no telling what Joker will do to me if he gets me... I don't even want to think about it...

I didn't want to think that he'd find me but I'd he did I have a feeling I wouldn't get off scotch free... Joker's definitely not one to give up that easily, he might be plotting something... Bane looked at me "I think we should be okay for a while... Stay hidden if Joker comes though."

I nodded "O- okay." Hopefully that won't happen... He nodded as I sat down and kept quiet, there wasn't much to say... Just that I had a feeling Joker was up to something...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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