Death of a Bat

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You had a feeling Joker would try and use you to finally kill off Batman. But seeing as you were stuck in the Joker's hideout with not only the Joker but also his henchmen who know what will happen if he doesn't have you, try to ensure you can't contact Batman or even be anywhere near a spotlight or anything to give him a warning

You knew he wouldn't let you leave with how possessive he was of you. He practically kept you at his side or at least in his vision 24/7. And if he couldn't he'd get one of his goons to watch you.

Not to mention they'd have to deal with a very pissed off Joker if anything happened to you. Even something like putting up the Batsignal could end up getting a large group of henchmen brutally murdered by the Joker himself.

Hell, even just hearing the word 'bat' set him off and that scared EVERYBODY because the Joker was violent. Not to mention the Joker had a history of killing off his henchmen for his own enjoyment. You could never be too careful with him. Especially where you were concerned. Hell, Joker would kill a large group of people if he was told that you had a minor cold.

And being in a warehouse like setting made it quite easy to get sick so every one of them tried to make you happy but you had yet to smile. They didn't blame you for being unhappy. You had been kidnapped by the Clown Prince of Crime and was being held against your will, and Joker had done God knew what to you only the night before. All they knew was it was painful as they had heard cries of pain coming from his room.

But now you refused to eat and the henchmen were beginning to fear for their lives if Joker found out that you refused to eat, or even talk to anyone.
If Joker found out then he'd think one of his henchmen had harmed you and so he'd be out for blood. Hell, he'd kill off all of his henchmen if he thought one of them had harmed HIS lover.

Though all of them didn't think you would even want to see his face as he was out now doing God knows what. Right now one of the henchmen was trying to make you laugh. He told as many jokes as possible. Joker had told them to keep 'his darling queen of Gotham' entertained until his return. But you only fake smiled while around the Joker, you'd seen him carve a smile into a victim's face before. You didn't want him to do that to you, you knew he would if you didn't smile at him.

"Cmon,  give me a break would'ya? He ain't gonna be happy at all" the man said begging basically but you didn't even look at him from the corner of your eye. "Please, just a smile is all I need. If he doesn't think you're happy here then we're all dead and he'll do God knows what to you." The man pleaded desperately.

"Thank you!" The man said happily as he snapped a picture. "It's just to prove it, thank you so much!" He said.
You nodded "Just because I refuse to smile doesn't mean others should have to suffer.." You said to the man.
He smiled in relief "Again, thanks. You saved us, for now at least."

You nodded and it was just in time, Joker walked in with that horrid grin on his face. "Hello baby girl ~" "H- hello Daddy..." You mentally gagged at that horrid nickname he had forced you to call him. You hated calling him that. He looked over at his henchmen "So boys, was she happy?" He asked without that joking tone.

One henchmen nodded. "Yes sir, we got her to smile." Joker grinned happily "Excellent. You may leave now gentlemen, I'd like some time alone with my baby." All the men nodded and left as you turned away from him to look out of a bared window. "Feels very homey..the bars really add that home feeling." You said as you looked out and over to him again.

Joker went up to you and kissed your forehead "It's more for your protection than anything, my sweet." "Protection from what?" "From Gotham, my dear. Gotham is overrun with people who would kill you and not give a damn about it. There's Bane, Catwoman, Riddler, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Two Face, so many more. Then there's Batsy, he interferes with my plans. Well, that's going to be ending very soon."

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