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  • Dedicated to My mother, Bernadette.. I love you.

Chapter One.


Being a princess is hard, it’s all about how you stand, speak, eat, smile, laugh and sleep. I had told my mother countless times, I did not want this life. I wanted to be a normal Therian, humans call us werewolves. I’m only royalty because I’m in the Original Therian family.

The Original Therian family has always been males, until me. I am the first female Original, which makes my life a lot harder because some male Therian’s think its wrong there is a female in the family line.

Every Original has either sapphire blue or amber eyes, me? Again I’m different, I have deep dark brown eyes. My father says it’s because I’m the first female, I am destined for greater things. Like a life of ordering people around… That’s not what I want, I want to be free and able to run around without someone nearby every second of my life.

Today I have to meet with the Alpha’s and see if one of them is my mate, it is very rare to get have a mate, but since I’m so different why shouldn’t I have a mate? I sighed as I brushed my long brown hair, my eyes always looked good no matter what. I slipped into some jeans and a vest top, I knew my father would yell at me if I didn’t cover up so I grabbed my knitted jumper, one of the duchess’ made it for me. Truth be told, it was my favourite jumper. It was orange and navy stripes and had orange sleeves.

I pulled on my brown ankle high heel boots, I was forced to wear high heels most of the time. My mother didn’t mind if I wore whatever I wanted as long as I had high heels on. I walked downstairs into the sitting room where the young Alpha’s were waiting on me.

Pushing open the big brown door, I was met with smiles from everyone. I smiled back politely as I walked to the throne next to my mother and father for me. I sat down, as they formed a line.

One by one, I turned them. None of them were my mate. I was thankful because I couldn’t be bothered with being more different than I was. Still my parents never turn down a reason to have a party, I was standing in the kitchen getting a can of Coke when two Alphas’ came in.

“Oh,  Princess Nora, I didn’t see you there,” One guy said, and bowed to me. I chuckled and smiled at him. “I’m Jonathan.”

“Would you like to sneak up stairs and get dirty with me?” His friend said, Jonathan opened his mouth to say  something until I punched his friend in the face. He fell to the ground with a bloody nose.

I cracked open my can, and took a long drink. “You know, you might want to make sure it isn’t broken. I’ve broken bones before. Nice to meet you Jonathan.” I said and walked out of  the kitchen. I knew my parents or some guards would tell me to retire to my room for the night after hitting an Alpha.

Instead, the Alpha never whispered a word to anyone about who hit him. I smiled when he passed me, gaining a glare from him. One of the guards noticed and pinned him against the wall, no one is allowed to throw the Princess a dirty look or say anything bad about her.

I guess being a Princess does have its perks. I left the guard and the stupid Alpha as I wandered into the back garden. I slowly walked down the garden path, and into the maze. I knew there was more than two guards behind me but I wasn’t about to cause a scene.

I rounded the corner and bumped into a beautiful man. His green eyes lit up so intensely, I, myself the Princess, was frozen to the spot. His body was muscular and well balanced. His brown hair, fell onto his forehead and he swept it away with his hand. I couldn’t think of what to say… Say something Nora!

“Who are you?” I asked him. He chuckled and started to bow to me. I placed my hands on his shoulders pushing him up. “Don’t bother bowing.”

“I’m Dimitri, you’re new personal bodyguard.” He chuckled and stood against the hedge. “Princess, what are doing away from the party?”

I took in his whole appearance again, he was my bodyguard… How would I survive?!

“Look Dimitri, you’re going to be spending a lot of time with me. So no, bowing or titles okay? And the party is full of Alpha males that are annoying.” I admitted, walking ahead. He fell into step beside me.

“As you wish Princes- Nora…” He smiled, and his smile made me go weak at the knees. I smiled back, not looking where I was going I nearly walked into a lamp-post.

One of his arms slipped around my waist while the other caught my wrist. My bare wrist, I felt a surge of electricity shoot through my bones, I looked at him and he shook his  head sitting down.

“Nora, don’t tell anyone,” He started and looked down the maze before speaking into his ear piece. He was making sure we were alone. “I need this job, I can’t have your parents firing  me because we’re…”

“Mates. We’re mates, and they wouldn’t fire you.” I told him.  “Besides, you’d become a king. You’d never need a job ever again.”

“I am not an Alpha, I am seven years older than you. You are sixteen, I’m twenty-two… That is big age gap.” He explained.

“I don’t need an Alpha mate.” I said but it didn’t matter anymore.

“Why was there only Alpha’s at the party?” He asked me, I shrugged and bit my lip. He was going to reject me, the worst thing that can  happen to a female Therian is to be rejected. “I’m --  ”

“You’re sorry, I get it. Don’t worry, just leave me alone.” I muttered before I shifted and ran from him. The pain in my chest wouldn’t go away, I had to run. I had  to get away…


I had found my true mate, that is so rare and it happened to me. My mate was Princess Nora.. A sixteen year old, who was so full of life and happiness. I realized when she ran, I had crushed her happiness. I wasn’t going to reject her I don’t know what I was going to do.

She was beautiful, the first Original female was my mate. I knew as soon as I touched her wrist, the sparks shot through my body and awaken parts of my soul I didn’t even know was sleeping.

“Dimitri,” Simon, another guard was running towards me. I looked up at him. “Princess Nora has run away.”

Those words, made every bone in my body shift. I ran past him, I had to find Nora. We have to sort this out… I suppose we can’t be together but I swore to protect her and I will do so. I raced across the snow covered forest and smelt around. I couldn’t get her scent, her sweet innocent scent.

She was really gone, just like the wind. As if she was never close enough for me to touch..

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