chapter 3

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I walked back to the small main area of our house and not surprisingly brother was already gone, I don't know where he goes, hell I don't care where he goes. All I know is that sometimes he disappears and no one can find him.

Sighing I walk to the entrance and grab the pouch of coins in the large pot right next our entrance.

Yeah we know it isn't safe but neither brother or I are very good at remembering where we put stuff, so it was decided that our money would be somewhere easy for us to find and maybe a little harder for others.

I walk along the path to the market, our village is small and situated in nomad lands just outside of kouka kingdom's earth clan, the village was a home for many ninja, but slowly over the years they've all vanished, the last of which being Brother and I's mother and father.

So now our village is helpless to outside attacks. The only thing keeping us safe at present is the name we once had.

once arriving at the market I walk to pretty much the only stand I ever eat from, and that stand happened to be an elderly man who sold sweet steamed buns.

Now don't get me wrong I eat other things its just these are a treat I'll always take pleasure in eating. Meeting eye to eye with the old man I smile and hold up four fingers

"Old man, Four buns please." In response the man turns away, wraps up the buns and give them back to me.

"Girl, don't tell me you've already forgotten how to make them."

"Aha nope I remember quite clearly, its just yours are always so much better. That and I may have kinda ran out of cooking materials." With that I reach out for my buns and turn to leave.

"wait, I'm kinda running low on supplies and am too lazy to make the trip over, and it seems today that you don't have your brother around. Mind running in and topping up on supplies." with that I turn around and face the old man again.

"Old man, ya know that I'm lazy too right."

"I taught you how to make the buns." and after a long period of silence after that I reluctantly agree and I head off (an: convenient), but only after I returned home to leave a note for brother when he gets back, and only after I grab my trusty spray bottle. never gonna know when you might need to spray someone in the face.

The journey to get to the earth clan wasn't as dangerous and hazardous as one may make it out to be. The reason for this being mother and father.

They both strongly believed that brother and I should have been able to protect ourselves if anything happened, but as it would turn out they disappeared before we could finish our training, and that's the story of why brother doesn't want to let me go and why I'm lazy.

On another note my journey to the random earth clan town was almost complete, all that's left now is about an hours walk along the path I was currently on, why me.

I had been walking along the dusty path, all by my self, my lonely self for about forty minutes or something like that, when out of no where I heard the faint sound of what seemed to me horses coming down the path. So being logical as I really wasn't looking forward to being trampled today, I move along to the forest line and began walking forward in a straight line from there.

the sound get louder and louder, it seems that they were going at a fast pace but have now slowed down, but they're still getting progressively closer to where I am, wait why do I even care. I don't care if they see me, but then again I wouldn't really enjoy answering any questions they had for me. But who knows maybe they know to keep their mouths shut.

Or maybe I should just hide behind a tree, no that way I they might think I'm crazy, to be perfectly honest though I think that about myself sometimes too. I had come to a stand still while pondering thing topic.

"hello there miss." So it appeared that I had bee pondering this topic long enough for me not to notice the horse beside me. being startled I went into defensive mode and aimed my spray bottle in the direction of where the voice had come from.

The person who had greeted me was hooded and had rather feminine features if I do say so myself, although going by their build they were probably male, dark blond hair was sort of visible under the hood.

"uhm miss what might you be doing here alone." he asked me

"You know I'll just spray you with this, uhhh deadly poison, yeah deadly poison if you come any closer to me." he looked slightly taken aback at first then simply smiled in a carefree way, but I did notice one of the other horsemen tense slightly.

"say miss, are you going to the town up ahead."

"that's obvious enough isn't it."

"My lord, we don't have time for this." before the feminine man could answer we again the horsemen who tensed up before. The feminine man paled slightly but the second I heard the word lord I Had lowered my spray bottle.

"well goodbye now." and with that continue walking towards my destination

"huh, your brushing me off so easily." with that I stopped for a brief moment.

"I don't really like concerning myself with people who get referred to as lords and ladies, whther they're the head of a merchants guild or they're a king or queen, I've been taught its not best for me to stand in their light. Now good bye."

AN: so yeah I've noticed I was kinda changing tenses a lot and I actually find it kinda hard to right in present tense, no idea myself why I started with it then, but now I think I'm gonna stick to past tense. Also once again I don't tend to read through these very much so there's most likely some typos and grammatical stuff. What can I say I'm just lazy.

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