How Admin and Potato would look

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Yeah,  I'm still taken over the account and I will show you how Potato and Admin would look if you could see them just cause I can!  *smirks*

Yeah,  I'm still taken over the account and I will show you how Potato and Admin would look if you could see them just cause I can!  *smirks*

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That would be potato,  only she's half cat and without the tail and ears she human! 

This would be lame and depressing admin....

It hates hurting others and wants to cut its hair short, she used to harm herself and is clean for three months!  She stopped trying to kill herself and has stopped eating to try and look normal and not look like the pig her family tells her she i...

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It hates hurting others and wants to cut its hair short, she used to harm herself and is clean for three months!  She stopped trying to kill herself and has stopped eating to try and look normal and not look like the pig her family tells her she is,  but she also realized there are,  if at least one,  there is someone that cares. Her real gender is female but she prefers the be genderless

Yeah... That's it and guess what!

I'm still taking over!!!!
MUAHAHAHAHAHA *chokes on spit*

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