Good Bye Connor pt,1

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Lets pretend that its Friday already cause im lazy and yeah thats all the excuses that i can come up with right now so yeah.

Liza's POV (still)

I walk into school day dreaming about David. I still can't believe he asked me out. I feel bad the at I told him we had to do it on Sunday night. Cause I already have plans with Gabbie, Carly, Erin, and Kristin to have a sleep over tonight. My parents already know that I am going over to Gabbies. And they know that I am moving on Sunday. Thats why I am going to spend all Saturday with them.

I walk into school and go to my locker and I hear footsteps behind me. Its David and I know. So I decide that I'll scare him. I turn around and say BOO and I scare him. " WHAT THE HECK LIZA!" " That my friend was payback." " Your going down my friend." He told me. " Try. Me. Dobrick. " I told him in a stern and yet silly tone. " Don't. Test. Me. Koshy!" He said. 

The bell rang and I went to class and tried to avoid Jackson, but I was unsuccessful. "Hey Liza-bug!" He said in a cheery tone. "Don't ever call me that." Told him in a strun voice. "Sorry I just thought -" "You just thought nothing. We are over and we have been over. Just please I want this year to be a good one ok!" "Ok I understand." He said. He sounded so sad but I had to tell him off because if I didn't well I don't want to talk about it.

C: Liza my family have to move to England and Gabbie has to stay here.

L: WHAT?!?! Wait why did you say Gabbie is staying here I thought she was an only child?

C: Well When she left for L.A. she asked if she could live with my family cause her family moved back to Texas but since she is going to move in with you so she is staying here.

L: Oh ok I am so sorry can you please video chat us please.

C: Of course i  will I would never forget you.

L: Thanks I will miss you so much 

C: I will miss you as well 

I walk to the next class in tears.

In Art Class

Kristin's POV 

I see Liza walking into class in tears. And by this time me, Gabbie, Carly, Erin, and Liza are just now like a huge squad of like 5 people in it. And when one of us is in trouble or something like that its go time. So me I look at Gabs and Gabs looks at Carly then she looks at Erin and I go over to Liza and just a hug her to death. She raps her arm around me and hugs me tight. I signal the girls to come over and we all do a big  huge hug. Then Ms. Bravura comes over and joins in she tells the class to draw something that they love.

Gabbies POV

We all go out into the hallway and we talk it out with Liza. My god I love Ms. Bravura she is like the cool mom that everyone wants. I sit down next to Liza and hug her I ask her what happened she told me that Connor is moving away. I knew this cause live him and I am his like adoptive sister " I just will miss him so much." She says. I tell her that it will be ok. That we can call him, text, and video call him. She ask everyone to go back and give her and me some space to talk. 

Liza POV

I told everyone to leave us alone cause I need to ask her about why she didn't tell me that she about her and Connor

L: I need *sniff* t-t-to ask you *sniff* something.

G: Anything you want.

L: W-w-why didn't you tell me *sniff* that you lived with Connor?

G: O-Oh he told you didn't he.

L: Yeah, but why didn't you tell me though?

G: Well it was complicated to tell at the time and it was also very hard on me as well. That is also why my "parents" are out of town and that's why Connor knows you and is over all the time as well because I live with him.

L: Well I am glad that your not leaving.

G: I am glad as well.

We end in a huge hug and we go back in all the girls are around Ms. Bravura desk. When they see us walk in and they surround us and hug us. After that the girls and Gabbie go back to there easels while I go over to Ms. Bravura and I told her that I am fine it was just a personal thing and she understood and she also reminds me about Sunday at 10:00 A.M. which I totally forgot but thank god that Its in the morning and not at night cause of my date with David. Oh I want to tell people that me and David are going out, but I promised him that I wouldn't.

Speaking of David when I was done talking with Ms. Bravura he comes up and hugs me and holds me tight. He asked me what was wrong was and holds me, has me sit next to him, he nuzzles, and he also cuddled me a little too. I talk with him and cry on his shoulder and just cling to him.

Just as the bell rang I stopped crying and got up and had David held my hand to the lunch room and everyone was suspicious of us. " Ummm whats going on with you too?" Gabbie asked me. Then Health said in his voice ( you know what voice) " Yeah you two have been acting all lovey dovey and stuff are you two dating?" "Well what do you think." I say. Then Carly said " We have no idea that's why we are asking you!" I looked at David like I was asking him if I should tell them. He looked back at me with a yes look. So I said " Yes. Yes we are and its official. " " I KNEW IT" Gabbie and Zane both say then they both blush I wonder then I was like naw that wouldn't happen he doesn't really seem interested in her or he is just really good at hiding his feelings either way they would be cute as a couple.

Hey guys I know its been a while but I got my phone taken away and I do most of my writing on that and I do what ever I can to write on my computer that my family has. But you have to remember that I am a student with struggles and mental disabilities. And also I have a life ( kind of ) as well and I am trying to my more social to get over my social anxiety and its going well if you are wondering. So I don't get my phone back till the end of the month, but if I am good I will get it back earlier so yeah updates will be slow. So I hope you understand and I hope you like this and we hit 1.4k reads and 57 votes this is insane and awesome so please recommend this to your friends so we can get more reads then that would make my year so far, but anyway love you all! <3 


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