Writing is Fun I Think...

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Liza's POV

I walk into class and I see David in the frount wave at me. I wave back. When I get closer to him I see that there is no seat next to him open. None his right and none his left. "Why are there no seats next to you?" I ask him. " I got here late and I couldn't get a seat for you in time I am sorry, but there is one in the first row and its just next to this guy ." The guy he was talking about was Jackson.  When Jackson notices that its me he looks like he is excited to see me. That is not normal for him its either he is protending or he is actually happy to see me? Either way I don't know what he is doing I am just going to ig nore him.

Soon the bell rang and the only seat left was next to Jackson so I had no choice but to sit next to him. Once I get my stuff out Ms. Singh comes in and introduces her self like...

"Whats up class its your girl Ms.Singh!"

And she does this sign with her hands thats in a shape of an "S". She starts telling us that we are going to write about the different types of parents that you have heard of and give an example and explanation.

I write about Indian stereotyped parents. Since my dad is Indian and my mom is white and they go based of Indian parenting if that makes sence. I write about how I most half Indian/ full Indian girl are not aloud to date untill a ridiculous age like 18. Also how we can barely leave the house unless its with people that our parents know. But i figured it out I just say I am going to hang out with Gabbie, Carly, or Erin but really I am at a party with them but that is so rare cause I am not much of a party goer. I am an introvert with anxiety, ADHD, and depression. I have had ADHD since 1st grade when i was diagnosed i develpoped anxitey in the 3rd grade. Then I got deppresion when i had barely any time to see my friends cause i was so busey that at one point I thought I should just kill my self so I thought if i bang my head hard enough on my kitchen counter I would bleed or something  idk what I was thinking I was in like 5th grade I was still nieve and stupid cause I was not the brightest of the bunch then but that was before everything happened. But thats not the point let me get back to what I was talking about. I would rather watch youtube then go to a party, but when Gabbie makes me go I usally have a good time.

Oh! and speaking of Youtube I want to talk to Miss. Clark and Ms. Singh both togeather cause I want there advicse on making a Youtube channel. I know there are like in there late 20's but they still seem pretty cool to me. If they were youtubers I would watch them. I told Gabbie that I would uber home and she told me to be care cause of her history with uber. I asked Miss. Clark if she can come with me to Ms. Singhs's classroom. She agrees andwe get to her classroom. I asked if we could come in and she said yes.

Miss. Clark grabbed a cahir and put it right next to Ms. Singh desk

S: Liza why did you call Miss. Clark in here and why do you need me here as well

L: Well I am in both of your classes and the thing I am about to ask you about involes it

C: Yes I know you are in our classes b-

S:  Just tell us already please I have an Uber outside.

L: Ok fine Iamthinkingofstartingayoutubechannel!

C: *giggles* Woah calm down Liza. Just slow down.

S: Yeah you dont have to be nervous arround us we are your teachers and we see you like all the time so we are like your second  set of parents so just calm down and tell us.

L: Ok  so     I   am   going     to     start     a      youtube   channel!

C: Oh ok well why do you need us?

L: Cause your classes are what you need for youtube.

S: Ummm not really

L: What do you mean?

After I said she leanded over to Miss. C and whispered something in her ear then she said this to me

S: Ok so Liza me and Miss. Clark talked this over and we need you to meet us here on Sunday and we will talk about this more later untill then get home and do your homework it is due tomrrow.

L: Umm ok see you tomrrow then

C: Oh and Liza

L: Yes

C: Dont tell anyone we had this converstaion. Dont tell Gabbie, dont tell your friends, and if your parents ask tell them you had a question on homework.

L: Why d-


L: What?

S: Do you trust us?

L: Yes I do but...

S: Just do as we told you and please just dont tell

L: Ok I wont

C: Ok thank you so much Liza and I think thats your Uber

*Time last to when she gets home*

I walk into my house and try to avoid eye contact with my parents but its too late

( Ok lizas mom is Holly and her dad is Henry)

H: Hi honey why are you home so late?

L: Um I had a question on my homework for Mrs. Singh 

H: Oh ok I thought you were kiddnaped your dad is worried sick

L: I am sorry I didnt call or text you I was busy and it was an important question

H: Its ok Hon but you should go check on your father he is in bed I told him to lay down but im pretty sure that he fell asleep so could you wake him up form me dinner is almost ready.

L: Ok mom I will.

H: Thank you honey I love you

L: I love you too mom.

I go up stairs to my parents room And just as mom says he is asleep. In fact he is so asleep that he looks so peaceful. I gently nudge him to try and wake him up.

L: Dad, dad, DAD WAKE UP!

H: HUH who's there I have a gun!

L: Dad relax its just me Liza

H: Oh huney you scared me where were you.

L: I needed some help with homework 


L: WHAT?!?! Dad it was from my teacher I asked if I coulod stay for a bit after school and she said tes and I told Gabbie I would Uber and now I'm here.

H: Well I'm glad your safe just call next time ok

L: Ok dad I will now mom said dinner is almost ready and I have to do homework so I will see you in a bit.

H: Ok see you in a bit love.

I love both my parents so much but its so hard because they are out so much cause of there job which is why they understand why I am moving

Hi its been a while. So sorry that I havent been updating i have been busey. Like I said I upload when I can so yeah enjoy and I will edit later


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