Chapter 2

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*Kitty's POV*
I slowly woke up and Noticed Nico was not by me and I was in our bed , I yawned and got up , I walked in to the living room and noticed a note on the table

Dear Kitty
I went out to go Get some KFC for lunch , I will be back soon
                                                 ~ love Nico
ok  so Nico is out and maybe I can plan another surprise for her , hmmm just what would be the surprise though hmmm and then an idea pop up in my mind "YES PERFECT" I screamed I quickly ran to my room and quickly got on my Computer and searched up some party clubs "hmmm ah this one will do" and then I heard the front door open " IM HOME!" I walked out of my room to see Nico with two KFC bucketsand some French fries " Hi Nico!" I sat down on the couch and he soon joined me ,she put one bucket in front of me and one in front of her and the Fries in the middle " Do you want me to go get some drinks ?" I asked her She looked over at me and nodded , I got up and walked to the the kitchen and grabbed two cups and two sodas, I walked out to the living room and put the stop on the table " so we watching a move?" She nodded and put on  Suicide squad. ( I don't know if She has seen irl  ) after we ate and watched the move  I told her about the Party " so it's tomorrow?" she asked "yup!" " then let's get some sleep , we both went into are bed room and fell asleep cuddling

Kitty X Nico Kico Where stories live. Discover now