Chapter 7

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*Pocky's POV*
Right after me and pecry said we were dating I heard a familiar voice " POCKY?!" I turned around to see my brother, Calam , coming Near me " Heheh Heey Bro" Welp I'm for sure dead " DON'T YOU HEY BRO ME , WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE DATING SOMEONE!?" I looked over at percy , he looks so confused," Well Calam We JUST started dating and You were gone for A long time " I could tell he was calming down " Fine you got me there but at least introduce me to your boyfriend m" oops forgot that " Oh yeah Umm Calam that Percy , My boyfriend" I pointed to Percy " Percy This is my brother Calam " he seemed least confused " Oh Ok but why didn't you Ever talked about him? "Ohhhh Welp  Percy had to
Point that out " Oh well you see no one ever asked " " Oh I guess that's true , All three of us turned when we heard a Cough , Annnd of course we forget the others " Ohh Hey guys"  All of us were silent until Bob broke the Silence " Welp I think we should all go Home it pretty dark now " Yeah she's probably right " Yeah Let's all go home " 
                    *Kitty's POV*
Nico and I Waved bye to the others as we walked up to the house  " Welp that was a weird day ,Right  Nico?" I looked at Nico , She Nodded " I thought know we should go to bed Now Kitten" I yawned " Yeah we should " we both walked to our bedroom and laid on the bed " Night Nico" I said and closed my Eyes " Night Kitten" was all I heard before I fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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