Chapter 5

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*Nico's POV*
Kitty started smiling " Really?!! yay!!!"
And just then I got a text from Percy

*Hey Nico!
                       *Hey percy!
*I was wondering
If I can come over
and hang?
                                *Well Sure
                              *But Bob well be    
                                 Here too

* Ok , See you soon!

I looked  over at Kitty " And Percy is coming too" She looked over at me and smiled " Cool!!" Then there was a knock at the door " Coming!" I got up and walked over to the door and opened, " Hey Nico!!!" " Hey Bob!!" We both hugged and then Kitty got up and walked over to us " Bob!!!" "Kitty!!!" They both hugged " Percy will be here soon " Bob looked over at me " Percy is Coming?" I nodded " Cool" she walk over and sat on the Couch " So what do we do now?" I looked over at Kitty " Got anything Kitty?" " Well we Could Go to the Amusement park?" Me and Bob smiled " Great , Lets just wait for Percy" just then there was a knock at the door
*Percy's POV*
I knocked on Nico and Kitty's door , wow it's been awhile since I seen them , the door opened to reveal Nico " Hey Percy!!" " Hey Nico!!" I walked in side and Nico closed the door, I noticed Bob and Kitty " Hey Bob , Hey Kitty!" " Hey! Percy!" And then Kitty sat up " Now that Percy is Here we can go to the Amusement park!"

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