Chapter 6

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*Bob's POV*
We're Driving to the amusement park right, Hehe but what they don't Know is that I invited Someone "We're here!" I look out the window to see The Bright Amusement park, I quickly get out of the car and start looking around for pocky " Hey Bob  looking for someone?" I turn my head to see Pocky  Standing by the Park door " POCKY!!" I look back to see Percy Standing there with a shocked Look " Surprise!" I screamed , Everyone look shocked and Happy " Wait Bob you knew They were here?!" I looked over at Nico and Nodded "Yup!!"they all started laughing " Wow any lets go play some games!!" Kitty ran into the amusement park and Nico ran after her " HEY WAIT UP!" I screamed and ran after them
*Percy POV*
"Annnd they're Gone" I turned looked at Pocky " Welp Wanna go in?" "Sure" we both started to walk to the entrance , man I can't believe my crush is here ,"Soo it's been awhile Percy" I sighed "Yup it has" we hen we entered , I couldn't help but stare wide eyed " Woow it's so Bright!" I heard him chuckle " Yup it is" I walked over to a booth with a small little brown ( bears are romantic -,- ) Pocky walked over to me " you want it?" I nodded " it looks cute" he looked at the booth " it's a Hit the bottle game " I looked back at Pocky " I can do it!" I tryed it and I won! " nice job Percy " "thanks Pocky" the guy handed me the Bear "Hey Uh Percy? " " yeah?" " can we talk?" I smiled " Sure" he grappled both of my hands " well I have a confession to make." I started blushing " o-oh yeah?" ,,I-I really l-like you Percy " I started smiling " Met too! " I hugged him and he hugged back " hey Guys!" We both pulled away and looked over to see Kitty with a red balloon and Nico with Cotton candy and Bob with a gold fish " Hey guys! We have something to tell you! " ,,,"hmm?" We both looked at each other and smiled and held hands" We Are dating!"

Kitty X Nico Kico Where stories live. Discover now