Chapter 3

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*Nico's POV*
I was get ready for the party, I was wearing some ripped up jeans and a green hoodie and my hair was down , I walked out of the bathroom " Hey Kitt-" I got caught of by how nice she looked, she was was wearing a long Purple skirt and a black dress-like top and her hair was in a ponytail with a White flower in it ,
* Kitty's POV*
I giggled at At Nico who was staring at me in awe " Hehe ready to go" that seemed to have brought her back to reality " oh um yeah " She put out her hand for me to grab , I took it and then I giggled
* time skip because I'm too lazy*
We reached the party and WOW! is it amazing we started to walk around and then a wondered away from Nico , then this random guy comes up to me " Hey beautiful *hiccup* wanna *hiccup* Come back to my place?" " umm no thank you" " aww come on *hiccup* Sweetie" I grabbed me and pinned me to the wall " HEY GET OFF OF ME!!"
* Nico's POV*
"HEY GET OFF OF ME" I turned my attention to A guy holding a girl to the wall , when I looked closer it was Kitty , I glared and walk over to the guy and pushed him off " Hey get off my girlfriend you doucheBag!" I grabbed Kitty's arm and walked off " you ok kitten?" "Yeah I'm fine" "good now come on let's enjoy the rest of this"

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