Twenty three

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I woke up with no Jc next to me and frowned. "Jayyy ceee!" I extended his name, screaming.

He walked upstairs and stood at the door frame waiting for me to speak.

"Come cuddle with me." I pouted and he shook his head.

"Why'd you lie to me?" He bit his lip.

"What? Lie to you? About what?" I asked.

"Why aren't you going to back to kians? It was a small thing."

"He's in the process of breaking my best friend! But no! That's no big deal!" I said with loads of sarcasm.

"That's still not explaining why you lied to me." He said angrily crossing his arms over his chest.
I groaned. " because I'm not going back to kians, I'm going back to my mother and father."

He gasped.
"No!" He shouted.

"Why not?"

"They don't deserve you. Just stay with me." He pulled on my arm.

"They'll find and arrest you. I'll see you in five months Jc."

"Damnit Rosie didn't I promise I'd break the law for you?"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean anything. I'm not staying."

"What if you fall in love with another guy? You know your parents won't let you leave the house. We won't see each other for five months!"

"How am I going to see a different guy if I can't even leave the house to see you?"

He shrugged. "But you could fall in love with another girl." I pointed out.

"It won't happen. Hide your phone from your parents and when they aren't near you, we'll keep in touch."

I nodded and smiled.
"We'll be fine." I reassured.

He nodded again looking down at his feet.

"Now please come cuddle with me while you can." I asked and he got under the covers with me, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'll miss you." He mumbled.

"I'm going to miss you too." I frowned.

"Please just go back to Kian!" He begged, his eyes beginning to get glassy.

"I'm sorry Jc but I can't!" I began to tear up too, and soon enough we were crying all over each other.

"I'm such a big baby." Jc wiped tears off his face.

I shook my head no.
"The fact that you care makes you even more attractive to me." I admitted and he smirked, ignoring his glassy eyes that remained.

He squinted his eyes really tight making wrinkles appear on his forehead.

"Jc are you trying to take a shit in your bed?" I asked and he broke into laughter.

"No I'm trying to cry!" He yelled and I laughed  too.

"Well don't even do that again. You looked constipated." We both laughed into we were in more tears. But this time, happy ones.

Jc yawned and closed my eyes.
"Are we taking a nap now?" Jc asked and I nodded not talking.

I felt him get closer and I fell into deep sleep.

The babysitter// Jc caylen Where stories live. Discover now