Baby Names

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I don't know why I made this chapter, but I'm extremely bored so...

This is going to sound weird, but...

Am I the only one who absolutely adores the name Lucifer? Like it has nothing to do with Satan or anything, I just REALLY love the name. It sounds so elegant and regal in some strange way. Idk.

I am kinda religious, so if I were to name one of my future children Lucifer, that probably wouldn't go down well. I could name them Luci or something, but you wouldn't really want a guy's name to be luci, or a girls name to be Lucifer, so I guess I'm not gonna name a baby lucifer. But I wouldn't be opposed to it.

At the moment my favorite name is 'Erik' for a boy or 'Erika' for a girl. (Yes, I like spelling it with a 'k') (also I prefer 'Erik' to 'Erika' but I love the name so much that if I end up with a girl that shall be her name anyway.)

Or maybe Loki, that would be an awesome name! I would honestly love that name.

Anyway, what's your favorite name?

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