chapter 3

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I have been in the hospital for a whole week I am so sick of having people in and out of my room at all hours of the night

I am sitting in bed when I heard a knock on the door I make a move to open it but someone beat me to it I look over to find someone I never thought to see the one friend that I had the only one who tried to help me   there right in front of me I could not help it the tears started streaming down my face she practically ran to me and hugged me you ok yes I am now that I have some hope with you here I could  hardly sleep with all the people here I bet it's so loud I need to know if you where ok so here I am and um.... One more thing ya what is it your mother all of your things out who the ........... I k ow that you didn't have much so I went and got most of it ,your the best is it ok if I leave it with you for now yes of cores also I looked in you book no you didn't ya I did and you can draw sooo good why didn't you tell me um I had other thinks on my mind you know well I loved most of it especially the one with the castle thanks hay I am going to live with my grandma now so you don't have to worry anymore I know and I am glad the your out of there please come and visit I don't know what I would do with out you your my best friend I know and your my best friend to now get some sleep I will come back tomorrow and we can talk some more

A few hours later

I heard someone comes in to the room and the one other person who cares even more is stands right before me I am all most in tears because my grandmother is here and nothing can happened right now to Make me sad I know that she can fix all most anything how are you doing with all of this .... I mean I know that you have ..With her ..And it's not what . Without thinking I just hugged her she hugged back and it was the best thing that happened since seeing Crystal this morning

I got the news that I was going to get out of the house  but i know this but i just need to here it out loud and I will never be put in her care again from this day on I will be staying in my grandmother s home and I was told that if she ever gets near me that she will be Put in jell for lafe I can't waste to move in with her and Grandpa he is the funniest person I ever met he can make any one laugh with one good jock it fills great to know but I still fill empty in side I still can get what happened out of my head ever time I here about it I cried I just want him back that's all I just don't know what to do I fill that it was my fault that he is gone and I made him do it but I know what happened to him he made the choice to push me out of the car and not save himself that THAT IS IT I told my self you can keep putting this all on yourself I said to my self you need to move on so that he can move on to father I love you and I know that you care to so here me out I am sorry for your death I never mentioned for you to have to choose to save me or your self but thank you for choosing me and thank you for all that you did to get me out of their when you did.

A faint glow appeared in the room I saw something go into the hall way l went to see what it was only to find someone there I was usher who it was at the time but I followed them any way I thought to my self who is that

I am almost in tears when I see him dad I said the person turned around and smiled at me I run to him he cote me in his arms I thought that you .....I am but i am not it complicated I couldn't just leave you with out telling you what happened I know what happened you gave up your life for mine but what I don't know is why  you do it I did not give my life up for you I am alive but I am also dead remember what I told you in the car before crash yes we will meet again but how I don't understand what you're trying to tell me you my dear have power locked away inside of you
I do yes you do you grandmother will watch over you until you are ready to know the truth  to keep it under control I love you my little girl but my time is up But You Can't Just Leave Me Not Again Please I Can't Do It You Promise That You Wouldn't Leave Me Again ! I know but I have to my sweet girl you can do it ....he fades away from me I wake up with tears in my eyes thanks Dad I need that but why did you have to go ....

I spent the rest of the day thinking about what he said and think about what I should do ...

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