14 work and reast

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We pulled into the drive way and go into the house for some reason I new where they where the back yard I open the door to find her draped over gray

He will be ok you just needs time to rest it looks like he has been threw a lot I know but I can't believe that I didn't know about him and it hurts me to know that I did this to him I left him alone for god know how long  I really care a lot about him but look at what I did I left him alone for all that time and I never wanted that if only I new I would have ....stop your blaming yourself you could have not known at all you where forced to forget him all you can do now is  help heal him get better hope he gets better but and then find what all really happened your right I got up from where I sat and even if I have to beet it out of my father

Weeks go by

I have been working nonstop to get gray healthy again and school is no help with that I have homework on top of home work  and its not helping that ever think is starting to make even more sense a I don't know if he is a good guy or if .....hey any ...what is it um well its gray he is up and walking around  what! really I get up and knock over my cher  I run outside to see that its true he is up and moving and even better he is eating I walked over to him and let my hand find it way into his mane and my head rest on his neck I am so happy that your ok and I am so happy that you helped heal me and that I'm better then before do you think that we can travel soon I think that I am going to need some more time with that I still fill week that's fine I am just happy that your ok you think that we can go for a ride I said smiling I think I can handle that and I do need to stretch out my wings get up here little one who you calling little I said as I got up on him let's go

I fill him take a few steps and then we are off the ground and in to the sky I fill the wind blowing throw my hair and the way his wings moved and the soft sound of birds crying made me remember somethink a loud sound hit me hard as we sank to the ground and he came to a sounded stop what why did you stop I don't know I was just pulled to this place ok well let's take a look around is there any directions that you want to go um... this way ok then you take us there

We walked for a little bit until we stopped at a shop it had something in the window that made me go in stay right there I told gray I have to I stoked talking and walked into the shop and went straight to the lady who was working the shop um excuse me where did you get that I said pointing to the bow in the window that I don't really know my grandparents own this shop before me and its been there ever since I can't ever move the dam think it will not bug no matter what I try and do so it just stays there int he window do you think that I could try and move it fine but me but I have tried everything to move it and the stupid arrows I got to grab it and it moves with with out any struggling I grab the arrows and pull it over my back and fasten it with a quick motion the lady from before stupid there dumbfounded how did you do that she said well you will not believe me even if I told you I really need to know well I don't even know you my name is amethyst and I really need to know how you ....I am a wich I said and she just laughed ya and I am a where wolf she said ok fine if you don't believe me I can see that this shop is has a secret to it may I go right a head I moved from where I was and  went to the the painting that was behind the desk and read find me expand the and know that he shop is one with me the shop then stretched and grow she fell to the ground with tears In her eyes how did you ...like I said I am a wich and this shop is meant for my kind and you ,you have a lot of power in you why is it being block off what do you mean she said I came to this shop with no intentions of finding this my bow or you ,my friend have work to do now how about you open the Stables up for me and we can get started on an explanation for you um ...um I will go and do that now she walks out the back door and the door slammed shut I walked out of the shop and jumped on to gray let's where there is a barrier in the back of the shop it fly right into it how do you I don't really know myself but trust me its there we take off to the back of the shop he he flow there the shield and land

Ok now I am done how is this even a think you have a flying horse and this now where did it all come from well your grandmother was a which and I very powerful one at that she passed it down to you because your mother had ....um not believe it was possible and not that you have her shop it time I fix what your mother did to you what do you mean fix I am not hurt or  blind but you are your mother block your power in you I have some how been sent here to help and you had my bow this is all just crazy I know trust me ok now this is going to hurt like a bitch ok close your eyes she did so I put my hand on her chest and said unlock what is unknown show me her power that is hidden with in her let lose that is hers here is what is hers now here my call and let the spell that is binding her powers be forgotten she falls to the ground and her body is glowing with the amount of power that was hidden in her her once shout heir is now down to her mid thigh and her once tane skin is now a soft white she gets up and moves to me what did you do to me I fill ....great I have never felt this great before and I can't believe that she well she did all so you need to straighten the barrier around the shop if I know anything its that your mother is coming and she will not be happy that you have you  grandmother's gift and she will try and take it what do I do raise your hands without stretching Palms and say I promise to always keep you safe and with these hands I will strengthen the shield around me to keep the one I truly trust safe the shop will stay like this for a little time and it now is strong and well kept there you have it your home is safe I need to get home but I will come and visit soon or just call me on your phone or something or come to my home you know where it is now I said with a smile as she froze when she got the mental picture I sent her how did you but before she could finish that sentence I was gone into the air and off to go home

Where I am most likely going to be greeted by a very mad zero how about we take the long way home gray

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