chapter 5

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I find myself in a room that I never seen before. Thinks are all over the room bottles of strange liquids on the floor and a smell of honey and lilac is in the air I go to more but I can't I am still tide to a chair and my arm is in a lot of pane I don't know what happened back there but I do know that I have get out of this chair I look around to see if there's anything that I could use to cut these ropes

Hours later

I am on the floor now my plan didn't work as planned I was supposed to break the chair...But it didn't work as I sit there on the floor but I was starting to lose consciousness because of the blood that I was losing I didn't think the cut that I have would make me lose so much blood I don't know what happened next but I do know that I passed out

Something moved me

I woke up on the bed I can't ...My head is spinning and I .... Falling in and out of consciousness I look up and find him looking over me I....I went to say who are you but passed out before I could

His View

I had this filling that someone was in the house but I pushed the though out of my mind but when the smell of blood hit me hard I run tords the smell I go down the stairs and find her the girl from before I the one that I followed in Animal forum but what was she doing in my house I moved to her and found that she was bleeding out and it was blue not red ... She's a Wich ooo shit I walked over to her and untie her and moved her to the bed I noticed that she was looking up at me when I placed her on the bed and began to patching up her arm but she looked like she wanted to say something but passed out before she could I don't know who she is but I need to find out

A day has passed

A day has passed and she has a fever and she has not woke up I don't know what happened to her but I can tell that she is very strong and is fighting whatever this is it's not a normal it's something worse every time I change the bandage around her arm it grows worse it smells as if it's dying and her arm is changing dark blue
I need her to wake up so that I can get my answers and because I am starting to worry about her

Time Skip
I don't know what this filling is but I have a burning pain in my arm I slowly go to more it but can get my arm to more very much without filling the full amount of damage .....That .....She cause me .The fear I know and have know is back

His view

I went to go and change the band Dade but was stopped by eyes of Moulton gold and the way she looked at me made me melt in her presence I asked her what happened to her and how she gotten to my house but all I got was water in a small and fail voice said.

I don't remember what happened at the moment but I do know that I need water I went to get up but soon found that I wasn't alone I looked in to his could dark eyes but I some how looked passed that and saw something beautiful the way his sky blue eyes looked at me I need to know that I was safe here I go to more towards him but instead he comes to me I asked again can you please get me some water I can't tell you much if I am not able to speak to you he looks at me and then he goes to the stairs and lives

His view

I can't find the world's to tell her what I need to know somehow she looked right passed me and in to my heart it was rare for anyone to be able to do that I have always been able to hide who and what I am from everyone because if they new what I was I thinking that they world leave me just like everyone else did ....What am I doing this girl is messing with my heart and head I need to get it together I said to myself I fill a cup with water and start for the stairs only to be met by her eyes again

Her view

I have never been so crazy sounding in my life I went to go and find him but looking for the stairs I came across some thing I have never seen before a red ....I need to find him I can't take it anymore I need to know where I am I find the stairs and clime them it was so hard to do ,my legs burned as I claimed the stares I got to the top I saw that he was getting me some water he trend around I felt like I was a dear cote in headlights he slowly move to me and handed me the class I tock it and downed most of it in one go ..... thank you for the water I .....I don't know where I am at all I sorry one minute I was ..... mother ...she was here I mean there but how did I get here ......I am sorry for rambling I need go home I said trying to get up but fell I felt warm hands wrap around me before I hit the floor I look up to see his eye fill with wonder

his view

she looked so messed up in side she was hiding some think and I have to find out I looked over to see her stand I saw be for she did that she was going to fall I moved fast and cote her before she hit the ground you she looked up in to my eyes and I felt that I was wide open with her its like she can see right in to your sole I can't stand that about her I know that I only meat her but I think that I am falling for her but I can't tell what it is I no I am not falling for her its just the crazy wonder she has about her she said to me thank you for caching me and not letting me fall to the ground I smiled what is your name I am Annabelle who are you ....I am zero

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